-Disaster (Morat)-

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The Skirt And The Karaoke

"We're going to karaoke tonight." Dara said entering the room Iseul and I were chatting in. "All of us?" Iseul asked. "No, just us three." Dara said. "Girls Night Out, hell yes!" Hayley exclaimed. "Get ready, Taeho will pick us up at 7:00." Dara said.

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"I'm read- I thought you guys were out." Hayley said. "Didn't you said they went to practice?" Iseul whispered to us. "Well, the dorm was quiet, I assumed they were." Dara said confusedly. "Well, we are going out dudes, great job keeping quiet." Hayley told the boys and started walking out.

"Where are you going?" Jay asked. "Karaoke." Dara said. "Hayley, isn't that skirt too short?" Jungwon said as if it was nothing. Suddenly the tension was through the roof. The mood in the house was like this lately. Every time Hayley and Jungwon talked, an argument would go on. This didn't seem as an exception.

"No it's not." Hayley answered annoyedly. "I kind of agree with that actua-." Heeseung was about to say, when Hayley interrupted him. "Sorry Hee, but this is between Jungwon and I." Heeseung immediately shut up. "Lately, everything I do seems like a problem to you." Hayley said annoyed. "Well, it wouldn't be a lie saying you've been doing the same." Jungwon said.

"You know what? You are ruining my mood. Let's go, I won't deal with this shit right now." Hayley said, and walked out the dorm. "Hayley are you okay?" Iseul said as soon as she walked out and saw Hayley's eyes filled with tears that were threatening to come out. "I'm fine, let's just please not talk about it."

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"How about we choose a song for you to let all your argerness out?" Dara said. "I told you, I'm fine." Hayley said. "You're not, just... sing your cares away."  "Play Morat." Hayley dramatically said. The thing about this karaoke place is that, it was just YouTube with the tracks being played on a screen. She could play whatever she wanted.

Now playing: Cómo te Atreves by Morat (How Dare You)

Hoy me pregunto qué será de ti - Today I wonder what became of you
Te tuve cerca y ahora estás tan lejos - I had you close and now you're so far
Pero prohibirme recordar lo nuestro es imposible - But forbidding me to remember ours is just impossible
No me perdono, sé que te perdí - I don't forgive myself, I know I lost you
Pero expiraron los remordimientos - But regrets expired
Fui dictador y el no dejarte ir - I was the dictator and not letting you go
Debió haber sido mi primer decreto - Should have been my first decree

Cuatro años sin mirarte - Four years without seeing you
Tres postales y un bolero - Three postcards and a bolero
Dos meses y me olvidaste - Two months and you forgot me
Y ni siquiera me pensaste - And you didn't even think of me
Un 29 de febrero - In February 29

Andan diciendo por la calle - Word on the street
Que solo le eres fiel al viento - That you are only faithful to the wind
El mismo que nunca hizo falta - The same one that was never missing
Para levantar tu falda - To lift your skirt
Cada día de por medio - Every other day

¿Cómo te atreves a volver? - How dare you to comeback?
A darle vida a lo que estaba muerto - To give life to what was dead
La soledad me había tratado bien - Solitude had treated me well
Y no eres quien para exigir derechos - And you are not the one to demand rights

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