Getting to know each other first

Start from the beginning

"Which arm was she scratched on? We need to bleed some of the poison out before I can heal her, if I try to now, she'll still have some poison left in her." I asked as I immediately went into medical mode, inspecting for any other injuries that could be worsening the demigod's condition.

"Her left upper arm I think." He says with urgency.

I nod and quickly rolled the sleeve of Annabeth's left arm and found the cut. It had clotted pretty thickly and was an ugly purple around the area of it. I quickly took one of my arrows and cleaned the surface while heating the edge of it so the cut would cauterize while being opened.

Once the arrow head was ready, I carefully pressed down on the cut, adding slight pressure to it to convince it to open up. Once open, I set down the arrow and then pressed on the area around the cut, making it bleed out a significant amount of the poison.

"Exactly how long does the wound need to bleed out the poison?" Percy asked concerned, as the poison started to gush out of the cut.

"Only a little bit longer, I'm trying to get the purple lines to lighten before I try any treatment." I say pressing only a little harder when the blood looked like it would start clotting to get it to gush out the poison more.

"You can't just snap your fingers and heal her?" Percy asked, a little sarcastically. I huff at him.

"I could, but that takes a lot of energy, energy I no longer have. Ever since I ascended back to godhood, it seems the more godly power I use, the more exhausted I feel." I explain, before letting up on the pressure on Annabeth's arm, satisfied that the purple lines were significantly lighter than what they were a few minutes ago.

"Could it be possible that lord shithead only gave you a certain amount of your godhood back and that's the reason you can't use energy like you used to?" Percy asked, all while calling Zeus out on his shitty rule. I snorted.

"It's a possibility, but that would be more of the Fate's fault than my dear sperm donor of a father. I suppose I could ask them later when I return to Olympus for this solstice's meeting." I said as I grab nectar and ambrosia, quickly getting the Athena spawn to drink and eat it to heal. As soon as I get her to swallow, the lines of poison disappearing from the blonde's veins.

"There, she should be fine now, but I wouldn't let her exercise for about two weeks, just so she gets rest and make sure she eats and has lots of fluids." I said to Percy as I patch up Annabeth's arm. He nodded and picked her up bridle style.

"I'll ask Hazel to watch her. Hey I got a question, do you maybe uh, wanna hang out?" He awkwardly asked. I froze and my eyes widened. I think about how this could turn out.

What if Annabeth wakes up and gets the idea that I'm flirting with Percy on purpose? What if Poseidon found out I had out of the blue started hanging out with his favorite mortal son? What if Zeus found out I was spending time with mortals even after my trials ended? What if he decides to punish those I care about? (I no longer care if he turns me mortal for a short time, I've learned it's a much more fitting purpose than facing the fact of I'm going to outlive my own kids and one night lovers. Also less of a burden on Arty and the rest of my siblings.)

I bite my lip as I thought about it but ultimately nodded at the sea prince.

"Uh, sure! What did you have in mind? And if you don't mind me asking, why do you want to hang out with me?" I asked with curiosity.

The question seemed to stump him as he furrowed his eyebrows together, something I've noticed a lot of humans do when they're thinking of something. He shrugs nonetheless.

"I was thinking the beach at camp half-blood and as to why, I'm not really sure. My mom told me that you had been visiting for the past year since your trials as a thanks and to 'remember' for someone. She didn't tell for who though." He said while walking towards the pavilion where Hazel and Frank where working.

My eyes widen at that fact. Did anyone bother to tell Percy and Annabeth about Jason?

"It's huh, something Jason told me." I said gently, trying (and just barely succeeding) to suppress the memories of that part of my trials. I shake a little as I get flashbacks of that night, the feeling I had right after Medea healed my chest.

"You've seen Jason? Where? We haven't heard from him in months!" Percy exclaimed a little anxiously. I gulped.

"It wasn't recently. I-it was during one of the quests I was on. Um, we were facing Caligula to steal some shoes to find and free the next oracle. Um, Caligula triggered Jason's anger because of, uh, forcing an action I guess you could say. They fought, I was severely injured, a hole in the center of my chest. Piper was in no condition to fight either, probably had a concussion from getting hit in the head from a horse. Meg wasn't very well off either. Jason fought Caligula but a teenage Demi-god versus a thousand year old emperor?" I pause, shuddering  at the memory.

"So, you're saying that.....Jason's d-dead?" Percy whispered horrified. I gulp, but sadly nod, looking down in shame and blaming only me for getting him killed. I hear a heavy sigh along with a soft snivel.

"Sounds like him, you know. Sacrificing himself I mean." Percy said softly. I look up at him, he had tears slowly falling, a sober look in his usually whirl pool eyes, a frown on display.

"Yeah, it does, although, you and the rest of the seven would know him better than I do." I said in a somber voice, low so it wasn't sounding offensive. Percy nodded at this as we dropped off Annabeth with Hazel and Frank.

Once we did, I teleported us to camp half blood where we spent most of the afternoon just talking, getting to know each other on a deeper level than before. Maybe, just maybe, I could be friends with the son of the sea.

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