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The picture is from Mortal Kombat 😭 and no I'm not using it for a yandere story I just tried to find anything in my camera roll, so yeah. Anyways enjoy ✋

I wake up seeing a room I'm not familiar with until I finally start to notice that it was just my friends room. I open my eyes more and look beside me and there's my friend just sleeping like a fucking pig....wait...HE'S SLEEPING NEXT TO ME?! THE FUCK?! I get out of the bed and start to look for my phone finding it on the dresser

6:29 AM, Monday. Mar, 28th.

Oh fuck. I forgot we have school...ugh.
I rub my eyes trying to get a better vision of things, I then grab a pillow and throw it at my friend "Ow man what the fuck?!" "Oh shit up we got fucking school, get your ass outta bed." I say rolling my eyes and going threw my bag trying to find clothes for school. "Nice ass." My friend said behind me while staring at my ass.
"Dude back off" I say rolling my eyes and flipping him off, and he just laughs like it's fucking funny.

I grab some clothes from my bag and start heading to the restroom to shower then change,but that was until I heard I loud noise outside..."what the fuck was that...." I said whispering to myself as I open the window curtain and look outside but nobody's there....'weird.' I thought as I close the curtain. I turn on the shower to like a right temperature of water, mostly heat but it still works fine.

(Again, I'm gonna skip the shower part because anit no way you wanna see someone explain how you shower ✋)

I step out of the shower and start drying myself off with the fresh towel that was hanged up. I start putting my clothes on and putting on my rings and etc. While I'm doing that I hear another loud crash outside "dude what the fuck is making that noise?!" I look outside the curtain again and once I open it in time I can see a foot going behind the shed....I closed the curtain and pretend like nothing happened. Am I gonna check it out? No, do I want to? Also no. I don't wanna be those dumb bitches that have to check out every single thing and die. I walk out of the restroom and tell my friend that there is someone watching us, of course he freaks out but I tell him to remain calm and let me just explain the plan.

"Alright then, what's your plan hm?!" "My plan is, we walk out casually out of the house and just go to school. I have pepper spray anyways so it's fine, and then when we get back and if someone's actually there then we're calling the police and hiding until they come" "[your name] THAT'S HOW PEOPLE DIE IN HORROR MOVIES. I DON'T WANT TO DIE AND I ALSO DON'T WANT YOU TO DIE. I HAVEN'T EVEN HAD SEX YET!!!!!" "Dude, calm down. I know it sounds stupid but we need to. Plus if we here something coming inside then let's grab all the weapons as soon as possible. Okay?" I say trying to calm him down patting his shoulders with both of my hands, and I can see him calming down and breathing slow.

"Oh and. If you screw this plan up I'm going to be the one killing you. Got that?" I say making sure he heard me correctly. He nods slowing, and looks back at me "wait what time is it?" Oh shit. I run back into the room getting my phone and checking the time

7:20 AM, Monday. Mar, 28th.

"Shit we gotta get going!" I say as I grab his arm and run out the door with him and start walking slowly as soon as we're getting closer, I look at him and he looks good except for his hair. "You fucking idiot you didn't even bother to brush your own hair?!" I say to him as he just looks straight ahead just saying "I was lazy. Plus you threw a pillow at my head when I was still half asleep and that knocked me out more!!" He says as he actually looks at me this time. "Ya know what come on." I say as I'm pulling his arm and once we arrived I walk into the man's bathroom and walk into a stall and lock the door. "Dude...what are we doing in here?..." He says as he looks at me like I'm crazy.

"I'm gonna fix your nasty ass hair!" I say as I start fluffing it out more and start brushing it out with my fingers trying to get the knots out. "See, and this is why you have to brush your hair you idiot." "I'm sorry okay?! I was lazy!!!!" I roll my eyes"yeah yeah excuses" I grab my rubber band and make his hair into a ponytail. "See! There not so hard. And come on let's hurry up and get ou-" As soon I was about to complete my sentence I feel lips on mine. When I open my eyes more it's my friend, kissing me. I start blushing red and just shocked. He pulled away and said "Thanks!!" He says as he unlocks the stall and goes to class....

"That fucking idiot."

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