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Back my people, sorry for the wait. Anyways here it is


"Where the hell do you think you're doing?.." I say sternly as he slowly turns around from what he was doing and says "Your mum" he starts bursting out laughing but I just stay silent, thinking it's not funny at all.
"Why are you packing?." "None of your business, damn! Nosey much" he rolls his eyes and continues to pack as I get up from the bed and rest my hand on his shoulder slightly squeezing it a little bit "you're not going to leave me... you're staying here. With. Me." I look at down at him and he looks like he's about to...laugh?


Who the fuck does this guy think he is?! He can't fucking control me! I start laughing a little bit and say "Look you're creepy n' shit but like, I'm not gonna let you control what I do or where I go. Like the fuck." I say as I stop laughing and just keep packing..until I feel like getting picked up in the air and arms around my body...I look down and the fucking dude picking me up like I'm some baby?!
"Dude what the fuck are you doing?.." "hugging you." "Dude let go! Look I don't know when you're going to get the hint but I don't fucking like or love you!! Who the hell just comes to someones house and thinks 'HMMM MAYBE I SHOULD GO TO MY CRUSH'S HOUSE EVEN THOUGH WE NEVER MET AND NEVER INTERACT AND PROBABLY GET INTO THEIR BED SO I CAN SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF THEM'"

He looks at me like I'm crazy and I start to laugh again. He put his hand on my mouth and puts me against my bed whispering stuff into my ear "Oh how I love you so much but...tell me..why do you have to be so meannn?~ you know that's rude to be mean to your future husband right?" I start to get a cold shiver down my spine as he said that 'holy shit this dude is fucking terrifying..' I try to speak but I feel lips pressed against my lips.

I open my eyes and it's the fucking dude! KISSING ME. I struggle to get out of his grasp, I try kicking him but that obviously didn't work, I tried punching him but that was also no use..'great. just great. Look at me kissing a random guy I don't even know.'
He stops and he looks down at me and smiles "How was that darling?~" "To be honest your mouth smelled and tasted like shit." He rolled his eyes and just got on top of me "Umm dude?! Get the fuck off me! You smell like a pig!" I say as I squeeze my nose clearly 'offending' him "Aww darling.. you know damn well I don't, why would I want to smell like a pig when I'm meeting you!!??" 'Oh my god this dude is fucking annoying...does he ever shut the fuck up..' as soon as he was trying to touch me I grabbed his neck and flew him off my bed. It was pretty easy because he was distracted

'Okay now think! Think! Don't be stupid and just run away think of something...' I look around my room and the door is right there and he's all the way where the TV is I actually could make a run for it but I just have to be smart! I stand up and I run for the fucking door
As soon as I make it out of the house I feel so relieved 'Okay now don't think this is over yet..I should run instead of just standing..but..where should I go?..' In the heat of panic I just say "fuck it I'm going to my friends house."

DAMNIT!. GREAT NOW HE FUCKING ESCAPED..I get up and grab my phone I open it up and see where he's heading...'You're smart my love but not that smart to trick me..' I start chuckling a little bit thinking of how adorable it is to see someone this stupid.
I run out of the house and I start to walk as soon as I get outside. I look at my phone and start following the tracker, as soon as I saw the house I smiled

"Found You~"

HELLO Y'ALL I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT MAKING A CHAPTER FOR LIKE ABOUT 3 OR 2 WEEKS 😭 But I swear I will try to make more.. anyways love y'all!

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