The Wedding (Part 1)

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The world was on their side today. They hadn't been too paranoid. The forecast never mentioned rain. But the overcast of clouds and modest breeze was the perfect outcome for an outdoor ceremony in June.

Guests started filing in. Aside from the front rows in both sections, people were free to sit where they pleased. The front rows were reserved for members of the Todoroki family and family friends. Katsuki and his parents were part of that group. No one from Keigo's family would be attending today. His relationship with his parents was rocky. From a young age, Keigo considered himself more of a Todoroki than a Takami.

Shouto planned to spend his break outside taking pictures of the beautiful scenery. For a wedding that was coordinated in less than six months, his mom and sister (and Keigo, on occasion) did a phenomenal job preparing for the big day. Now Shouto understood why they cared so much about flowers. Gorgeous peony petals scattered along both sides of the aisle, a white carpet with Fuyumi and Keigo's names etched in navy and pink rolled down the middle. Shouto created the artwork for the carpet. That was his contribution to wedding planning, and he was pleased that the bride and groom were so enthused about it.

Not part of his plan, however, was getting bombarded with greetings left and right. He was the only immediate family member around, so he should've expected it. Even people he'd never met before were swarming around him to congratulate him as if he was the one getting married.

Luckily, the Bakugous arrived right when the attention became too overwhelming. Shouto excused himself from an elderly couple that lived down the street from Fuyumi and Keigo and rushed to his boyfriend.

Katsuki always looked breathtaking in a suit. Today he opted for a grey one, a color he didn't typically wear. But it complemented Shouto's navy attire, which was the primary reason he chose it. Even if their relationship wasn't public, Shouto still thought it was cute when their outfits matched.

Shouto broke out into a grin. "Hey."

Mitsuki, sporting a royal blue dress that cut off at her calves, brought her hands together. "Oh Shouto," she said, "you look so handsome."

Katsuki inspected Shouto's outfit, a soft fondness reflecting in his gaze. "You do."

"Thank you," Shouto muttered, ignoring the heat rising to his cheeks. "You do too."

"How's Fuyumi?" Masaru asked him.

"Nervous, but excited." He skipped mentioning that he felt the same way. The reception wasn't until much later, but he was dreading that speech.

Katsuki pressed his lips together and turned to his parents. "Guys?"

Mitsuki registered the implication immediately. "Right, right. We'll go sit down."

"We'll save you a seat, Katsuki," Masaru added. "See you later, Shouto. Tell Fuyumi we said good luck."

With his parents out of his hair, Katsuki relaxed his posture. Shouto took a step closer, for no reason other than he wanted to. They wouldn't engage in PDA, of course, but everyone here was too wrapped up in their own conversations to pay the boys any mind.

Katsuki's gaze lingered over Shouto's outfit again. "You look really adorable."

Shouto smiled. Nine months together and Katsuki still made his stomach flip with such few words. "Thank you."

Katsuki scoped the area. "There's more people here than I thought."

"Fuyumi and Keigo have a lot of friends," Shouto answered. There were approximately 150 guests coming today.

"So what, they put you on usher duty?"

"No, I chose to come out here. I left my family in Fuyumi's dressing room. Everyone kept crying. It was overwhelming."

The Story Of Forever (Todobaku)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें