Shouto's Promise

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Shouto didn't plan to kiss anybody tonight, but he wasn't complaining.

Two years after vowing to abstain from alcohol, he tasted it as his lips moved against Inasa's. It should have turned him off, but it didn't. At least, not enough to want to stop.

The kiss didn't spark any intense emotions, but Shouto didn't expect it to. Inasa wasn't his type, regardless of how good of a kisser he was. They both liked art (Inasa preferred painting to Shouto's manga drawing), but that was where the similarities ended. Inasa was nice, albeit a bit loud for Shouto's ears, but a romantic connection wasn't in their future.

And yet, Shouto felt weightless. He grabbed the back of Inasa's neck and kissed him harder. Inasa reciprocated, sliding his hand to Shouto's lower back. Shouto allowed it. He wanted to savor this night, this moment, for a very important reason:   

He was kissing a boy.

At a party.

In front of dozens of people.

And he didn't care.

Even though there were no fireworks, even if this was just for fun, even though he and Inasa would never do this after tonight, this was a milestone he'd always remember. Shouto finally reached the point where he was ready to live as his authentic self. To hell with anyone who had a problem with it.

He only broke away when he needed air. Inasa chuckled at Shouto's flushed face before playing with a few loose strands of the boy's hair.


Shouto grinned. "Still no."

Inasa laughed again. "Damn. You're true to your word."

It felt good to be flirted with. Shouto didn't experience it often. Of course, he wasn't the type to toy with anyone's feelings. He told Inasa he wasn't interested in pursuing anything with him before any kissing happened. Inasa was cool with it, though he teased that Shouto would be unable to resist him once he had "a taste of greatness". So much for that.

"What now, then?" he said.

Shouto puffed his cheeks out and scanned the living room as he pondered. When his eyes landed on the entryway into the kitchen, he said, "I want more apple juice."

He let Inasa hold his hand as they pushed through a crowd of mingling teenagers. Momo spotted them when they passed the bookcase. She shot Shouto a subtle wink, which caused him to blush. He'd have to clear up that misunderstanding later.

Shouto replenished himself with two cups worth of apple juice. Inasa helped himself to more beer, smashing the plastic cup on his head when he finished. He was respectful enough to throw it in the trash after, so Shouto didn't judge him too harshly.

As Shouto tossed his cup in the recycling bin, it hit him that he hadn't seen Katsuki in a while. He didn't mean to be rude, but he wasn't in the mood for hanging around Inasa all night. Nothing against the guy, but Shouto missed his friend.

He considered going off to find Katsuki, but his attention was rattled when the music coming from the living room abruptly stopped. Shouto and Inasa quickly glanced at each other, each with an eyebrow raised. Inasa headed in that direction, Shouto close behind.

Inasa's massive frame blocked Shouto's field of vision, so he wasn't certain what was going on at first. It didn't sound like anyone was fighting, which was good. The last thing Katsuki needed was figuring out how to explain to his parents why there were bloodstains on the living room carpet.

He slipped from around Inasa and observed several disappointed faces. Some skipped disappointment and jumped straight to anger. A few insults were hurled in the direction of the stereo, which was when he noticed Eijiro holding out his hands like he was under arrest.

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