Chapter 7

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Later in the middle of the night as MC was getting ready for bed they suddenly heard a knock at their bedroom window and turned around to see it was Mammon.

Mammon : please open i don't know how I'm balancing on this ledge...."

MC then quickly opened the window and he immediately fell in bur got up.

MC : it's snowing why do that!? Also why are you here?"

Mammon : I heard about what happened and I was


Mammon : oh I just got stabbed earlier I'm fine though?"


Mammon : I know....but I'm really fine? Just some demons who hated me Decided to try and kill me.....I didn't think this though....."

MC : I'm happy you're okay.... please be more careful....."

Mamnon : I will"

MC : how did you find me?"

Mammon : the birds but their not great at directions so I was walking around for a long time......"

MC : ....I'm sorry I left....."

Mammon : it's ok I understand....I heard how despite everything I said to were still defending me all these years......"

MC : because I understand how you felt. And someone had to stand up for you and you know I'll always do that?"

Mammon : ....I don't deserve you....."

MC : well too bad because I'm never not going to be on your side"

Mammon : ..... can I stay for awhile?"

MC : yeah I wasn't going to do much anyway but unpack"

Mammon : I'll help you"

Later MC and Mammon were done and were just sitting down on the floor watching a movie on the TV and eating some cup ramen noodles.

And during this MC was getting a bit cold so Mammon open his wings and wrapped one around them pulling them a bit close to him also.

MC : thanks....."

Mammon : I missed you a lot..... and regretted how I left things......I want to try and fix that and make up for lost time"

MC : don't worry we have all the time in the world"

Mammon : and I'm really happy we do...."

They both just looked at each other before leaning in and starting to kiss each other until MC stop and asked.

MC : I thought y-

Mammon : never said I would be a good angel...."

Mamnon then started kissing them again and then slowly MC lay down on the floor as Mammon leaned over them kissing them more and more.

Angel or not he couldn't resist MC it was impossible for him to not want to kiss them and do more with them.

The next day in the morning MC was in the kitchen making breakfast while Mammon was getting ready to leave.

And during this as he was about to go MC walked over
And said.

MC : you're gonna call me right? And tell me next time if you get hurt?"

Mammon : heh....I will I promise"

MC : tell everyone I'm doing good and that I said hi"

Mammon : I will"

MC : good"

Mammon : can I get one more hug?"

MC then walked over and hugged Mammon and he hugged them back. It felt nice to have them in his arms knowing they cared about him and loved him all these years.

MC was truly special to him and his own Angel with all they did for him.

Mammon : I wish I could stay longer....."

MC : I wish you could to but it's not like we'll never see each other again?"

Mammon : yeah....that is true"

MC anyway you can let go now"

Mammon : ......"

MC : Mammon-

Mamnon then lean over to their ear and said.

Mammon : you made this so easy for MC...."

MC's body then went limp and Mamnon then kissed their cheek and said.

Mammon : if it's any thought I did love you..... and I always will"

He then let go of them and they drop to the floor. And he looked at them for a few seconds before walking over them and leaving.

Later Lucifer went to check on Mammon at his room in purgatory hall to see if he got back yet.

And as he got to his Door he
Heard singing and a piano playing.

He then Open the door and saw Mammon playing the piano and singing to himself

Mammon : killing me softly.....with his song....."

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