Chapter 1

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Right now everyone was in the living room sitting around talking about things while Mammon  and Lucifer were standing off to the side auguring.

Mostly Mammon was being yelled at by Lucifer for something he did.

And Mammon was just auguring back that he didn't do anything this time. Just another day and nobody seemed to care.

And During this Lucifer suddenly smack Mammon in the head. which Mammon tried to avoid and ended up falling back and hitting his back against the wall.

He then sat down on the floor against the wall and everyone seemed shock not expecting that.

MC : Ma- Mammon your bleeding!?"

Everyone saw blood dripping down Mammon's face from his head and were also shock to see a blood puddle forming around him from his back leaking through his clothes.

Lucifer : Mammon I d-!?

To everyone's surprised he suddenly started laughing as he looked at his hand that had blood on it.

But it wasn't a normal laugh he sounded defeated and started crying at the same time. And nobody knew what to do.

Lucifer : Mammon....."

Mammon : heh ..... it's fine!.... hahaha!.... this always happens again and again...."

Lucifer : .....Mammon you need to get-

Mammon then slowly stood up and said walking to Lucifer with a blood trail following him.

Mammon : every damn day it's something different with you! I did this! I did that! Especially with all you!.

None of you could give a damn about me! I'm always painted as the bad guy! A punching back for all of you!.

All of you! Every single one of you are selfish ungrateful brats!

I've done so much for all of you! I sacrificed my own well being and everything for you!!.

And in the end for years I've just been punished and thrown in the dirt!......"

He then looked back at Lucifer and said.

Mammon : I can't even feel it....from how many times you punished me..... it's just numb now. Also never heals because I always do something wrong....."

Lucifer : I.... I'm sorry I d-

Mammon : sorry? Ha! You are sorry? Are any of you sorry for what you did to me!? I may be the avatar of greed but you all are the ones who are greedy! And I'm tired of it! I've been tired of it!"

Mammon then took out his phone and started calling someone and suddenly he whole demeanor change and he stop crying.

Mammon : you know I didn't have to follow you guys. In the war I had. A chance to stay despite what happened.

But I chose to leave.

But recently a few months ago someone came to me gave me a chance to earn my chance to go home.

Want to know what I had to do?"

Lucifer : what are you talking about?"

Suddenly whoever Mammon called answered and he said looking at everyone.

Mammon : Michael I'm done. I've been collecting information for you as long as I can. It has to be enough"

Michael : very well. I'll have Raphael pick you up. You did good "

Mammon : make it quick they know"

After this he hung up. And everyone was horrified and shock at what they heard. Even hurt and feeling betrayed.

Belphie : you been working with Michael!?"

Beel : why?....."

Mammon : I give him information on all of us and Devildom and I get to go home."

Lucifer : ..... you....HOW COULD YOU DO THIS!?"

Mammon : We were never family...... because family wouldn't do what you all did to me...."

After this Mammon started to walk away and Lucifer was about to stop him till he said.

Mammon : Lucifer Don't. You wouldn't want to ruin Diavolo's plan would you? Causing trouble with me won't end well"

Lucifer: your that petty!?"

Mammon : I'm just warning you to not start trouble with an angel. Because that could ruin it"

Lucifer : don't act like you care about any of that! You been betraying all of us!"

Mammon : it's nothing personal at least with everyone else. I just wanted to go home....

And also nobody but me and Michael know about our deal nobody else was involved so don't go being mad at celestial or Raphael Luke or Simeon.

They are most likely going to feel exactly how you all feel. So now if you excuse me I'm leaving"

MC : Mammon I'm sorry but doing this wasn't right! Do you even know why Michael wanted information"

Mammon : that's none of your business. You weren't innocent either MC in a matter of fact your far from innocent"

After this Mammon left and while some of the brothers were upset other were angry and nobody really knew how to react.

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