"Thanks." She shrugged, laughing a little. "But until you get something, what should I do?"

Nazir took a deep breath. "Don't kill me..." She eyed him interestingly. "I've already told you, Gwen. Casual fun."

"You want me to practice sneaking around?" Her fingers tapped the table, leg fidgeting as she was getting antsy.

"You could call it that. I recall a certain man in Riften that was really upset watching you walk out of his life." She narrowed her eyes at him. "Would it hurt to get another drink with him? You need to loosen up. He can give you a confidence boost that I simply cannot."

"What does that mean, Nazir...?"

"Means you got a type and I saw you with him. Gwen, you were having fun. No need to be ashamed by it." He reasoned aloud, looking right into her eyes. Nazir was always good not beating around the bush. He was blunt with a hint of sarcasm. "Or were you going to tell me that laughing with him and staring into his eyes was torture?"


"Gwen..." He glared with his chest puffed out.

"I was going to say he did make good conversation." She looked down. "Do you really think I need to?"

"Girl, you have been here buried in books for a week straight looking to make yourself more useful than you need to. Only to prove that we don't need her. In doing the work around here you only helped Astrid recruit her. You need time off, Gwen."

"Alright! ... Alright." She looked to him with her arms up. "You win. I do... Need time off. I... Do want to see him again." She finally admitted to someone she felt entirely comfortable around.

"And I'm sure he wants to see you again." Nazir chuckled a little.

She found herself smiling a little, only to then shake her head and stare at him with angry furrowed brows once more. "Now... Don't fall for Iszara." She watched him shrug. "Come on! She's just a pretty face."

"Honestly, she's not as pretty as you think she is but I didn't know you felt that way about me." He was chuckling.

"I don't. I just don't want her as my big sister. At least, not that way. Nazir... I'm kinda attached to you. I love you too." She shook her head. "I gotta get over this jealous thing he put into me. I was never like this. I hate feeling like this."

"Then you should probably go seduce you a forlorn Nord." He stood up. "No one is going to take your place in our hearts. No matter if she was death incarnate or not, you are one of a kind."

"Forlorn...?" She stood up.

"If you can't tell that he is in love with you girl, that will be our first lesson. Learning to read people." He patted her shoulder, pulling her into a hug. "You got better at it since joining us but you could still use work."

She looked down, trying not to smile or blush but they both came anyway. "I... Know how he feels about me... But how do you?"

"I told you, people are easy to read."

"He... Has probably move on already. No one would wait for someone broken like me." She looked firmly into his eyes with a nod. "But... You are right. I did enjoy his company. Getting a drink with him was nice. That's all I have left to look forward to. Small moments like that." She walked from the room to Nazir shaking his head.

The road to Riften was quiet today. It was long and cold but she needed to traverse it. She longed to see him. It was a strange feeling but the further she got away from the sanctuary the happier she seemed. It was as if the world was pushed her here and she wanted to dive in willingly.

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