Just a Poor Boy

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She found herself in a city that was somehow more racist than she had expected, even here in Skyrim. It was no wonder in the short time they were together, her mother was certain to stay away from Windhelm. She was not welcome there, leaving a sour taste in her mouth that made it to her face when speaking with every single one of them. She had found a small slice of comfort, though the citizens of the gray quarter would not agree with her that it is comfort. It was more than she had been used to.

She stood out here, which also scared her, a building fire of anger deep within as well. It was impossible to do her job with so many eyes on her. She had asked around about the boy, easily being pointed to the estate as soon as she was able to speak to the people of the gray quarter. Waiting until dusk, the woman had made her way to the estate, hugging the buildings. She picked the lock, using the skills Brynjolf taught her. It made her smile as she did it, thinking back to the man so close as he talked her through it. She took a soft silent breath, trying hard to push his face out of her mind. It was almost impossible.

Slowly the door opened, sliding into the house. Carefully the woman creeps in, moving up the stairs. There was a voice, pleading for help. It made her tummy grumble. She never much cared for the company of children, but there was something deep inside her that hurt hearing the boy plead as he was. Her heart moved for him and she had to physically stop herself from stepping out of the shadows to comfort him. She watched from her perch, bathed in shadow, just observing. She was wondering whether or not to accept. While lost in this thought she missed the clear sound of the door opening once more.

It was just a moment until she realized there was a woman walking just before her. She never noticed the Bosmer in the recesses of the estate, which was the expected outcome. The darker skinned woman before her was approaching the boy carefully. She pushed her curls back, timid in her approach. It was just a moment after that she was startled by the almost booming voice of her. "Are... You okay?"

The boy jumped and looked to her. "You're here! I knew you'd come! I called the brotherhood and you came. I just knew it. So tell me you're going to accept." She watched as the boy baited his breath and she said not a damn word. Gweneith's mouth slowly opened, unable to contain just how cool she thought that was. This woman was confident and she gave off an aura of strength that Gwen just thought she could never match. He seemed to get the hint after a moment and just continued. "See, my mother died and I was sent a notice that I was to be relocated to Honorhall. Being there though is a nightmare. Grelod the kind... She is a beast. She hates kids and makes our lives horrible. She needs to be stopped. Will you?" There was just a nod and the boy cheered.

It was a strange thing to see a a child cheer over the pending death of someone. Gwen shrugged herself, noting that it likely wasn't that strange for her, after all this was the family business. She quickly pulled her small notebook from for breast pocket just before the woman started towards the door with as little conversation with Aventus as possible. Her name was not caught but Gwen managed a good description and a rudimentary sketch that could self admittedly need hours of work to capture her essence, if she had that kind of talent in the first place. Drawing for her was usually restricted to maps.

She hugged the wall tighter as she passed her. She watched the child for a while after, noting how much happier he seemed. Her face melted into kindness and warmth watching this. So much so she nearly that she forgot she was on the job. Forcing herself to focus, that smile was wiped from her face. This was also something that she will never let anyone else know happened. Her hard exterior needed to be kept in place. She ripped out of page and found a courier to bring it to Nazir.

The sun had gone down, making it harder for a normal person to follow. She was thankful hunting came so naturally to her. The woman kept a good pace, forcing Gwen to move faster than she normally would by herself. The entire night they traveled to Riften, her huffing softly. The closer they got to Riften the more her heart swells in the anticipation. Not just for seeing what might be a horrible person get what they deserve but a big chance to see him again. His soft look, his laugh, that unrelenting hope for the future in him. It was addictive and something she herself has lacked for a long time.

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