Chapter 1

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I used to think that home was a place, somewhere you could have a family and feel safe. Somewhere you could call you're own and no one could take it front you; but i learned at the ripe age of fifteen that's not always the case. Yeah home can be a place, It can be a house filled with the people you loved unconditionally. Nothing but happy times and laughs filling the atmosphere. However home can also be a person, someone who makes you feel safe, someone you could tell anything to. 

Now i was never that kid that believed in soulmates, or love at first sight. I always thought love was more complicated than that, and sometimes it was. Sometimes it took years of work and dedication to make a relationship work, and sometimes if you were lucky enough; you would find someone who made it seem so easy that it required no work at all. 

That was the kind of love i searched my whole life for, someone who i could be real with. A person i could be unapologetically myself with, someone who saw me; for me. I think i had my parents to thank for that, They never feared showing their love for each other to people that walk by them or even their family. All that mattered was that they loved each other, and that's was really beautiful to me.

I had found my person once, then life seemed to think it was all a big joke and ripped it out from underneath me. Derek hale, a strange boy that almost known one cared to know. He kept mostly to himself, he had a couple of friends but they were mainly his teammates on the basketball team. Until the day i moved to beacon, and everything changed. 

I wanted to know the boy, something about him was so intriguing, he was quiet and secluded, but i was determined to change that.

It was a cold fall night when we entered the town of beacon hills; after hours of driving, we had finally arrived at the place I once called home. A small smile crept to my lips when I saw the welcome sign to the small town. I couldn't believe I was back, and I didn't really know how to feel about it until now. The feeling I got as we edged further into the brought back so many memories, a warm feeling forming in my chest at the memories. 

"Wow, this place is a ghost town," Cam voiced, leaning up to the front seat from the back. He was the most skeptical about moving here, but it was for their safety, and they knew that. I just hopped that they would love this town as much as i did growing up.

"Yeah, I'm all for our spontaneous road trips to a new town but isn't this place a bit boring, Ri?" Aria's soft voice asks from the passenger seat, a sad look resting on her pale skin. I knew they weren't exactly thrilled about coming here, but I prayed that they loved the small town.

"Oh, come on guys, just give it half a chance, and I promise you will love it here."I pleaded with the two teenagers, giving them a pleading smile. Neither of them gave in; they both let out a loud sigh. I slightly roll my eyes at the teens and glue my eyes back to the road.

"Can I ask one question?" Aria asks, hesitation clear in her tone. I glance over at the blonde with a slightly confused look and nod. Her bright blue eyes held worry as she sighed once more, glancing at her brother and back to their adoptive mother. 

"Why this town, You always pick some place special. So what is so special about this place?" She Curiously asks, and as much as I loved spilling my guts to these two, I couldn't just come out right and say it. I quickly look back to the dark secluded road, clearing my throat slightly at the question.

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