"It should be around the corner," She told him, also trying to find it. She stumbled over, partly because of the alcohol quickly getting to her and partly because her black knee high boots decided to betray her, and Kyungseok was quick to catch her with one arm and have her leaning into him. "Woah... thanks for that."

Kyungseok frowned, helping her stand up, and fixed his jacket that she was still wearing. "What's taking this cab so long to get here?" He asked, looking irritated as he searched the road for a taxi to pull up.

"The light's still red. Give it a few seconds," She reminded him, pointing out the stop lights. Hearing the door from the bar suddenly open she turned her head to see who it was and a blonde girl with green eyes looked all around frantically before she spotted Kyungseok and smiled. "You know her?"

He turned his head to look at whatever she was looking at it and rolled his eyes when he saw the blonde practically running over. "She's another student from the department. She's been clinging to me ever since orientation," He explained, returning back to his cold persona.

"Kyungseok *oppa!" The girl exclaimed, coming to a halt next to Sun-mi. The sparkling eyes and blushing cheeks told Sun-mi everything she needed to know about this girl. "Don't worry about those guys in there! Everyone's just trying their best to impress Suah because she looks a little better than everyone else so don't take it personal!"

Kyungseok said nothing to her as he watched an orange taxi slowly pull up next to the bus stop. The blonde girl glared at Sun-mi who rolled her eyes back before stepping forward the cab that she was sure was the one she ordered.

"I'll see you at some point tomorrow. Try and not miss me too much," Sun-mi told Kyungseok, not even glancing over at the other girl. She froze as she was about to sit down and looked back at the silver haired boy who was watching her get into the cab. "You want this back now or tomorrow?"

Referring to his jacket she was still wearing. The blonde girl looked away, angrily muttering something to herself, and tapping her foot against the ground as she wanted nothing more than the girl with blue hair to leave already. Kyungseok said nothing as he stepped forward, leaned down, zipped up the front of the jacket, and then looked up at her.

"Let me know when you get home or Kyunghee is never going to let me hear the end of it," He told her, looking over at the driver for a moment before stepping away.

Sun-mi smiled at the mention of his little sister who made it obvious that she was fond of her. The feeling was mutual as she found the youngest Do adorable.

She lazily waved him goodbye as she finally began to head home, catching him holding his hand up as his version of a wave goodbye, and catching the sight of Mirae leaving the bar looking glum and pink in the face.

'Kang Mirae... who wants to be a perfumer. Why does that sound oddly familiar?' Sun-mi thought, a thoughtful expression on her face as she sat down in the back of the taxi.

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