Subaru goes missing

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Subaru goes missing for weeks.

During one year timeskip between arc 4-5.

Rem is awake instead of being asleep.



He opens his eyes, everything is dark and can't seem to see the room.

He feels like he front side, if he were to be sleeping then he would be laying down. Yet.. It's like he is standing.

As he tries to move, he realizes he can't. The sound of chains raddling echo though the "room".

"What is this...?" Subaru tries to move more but struggles to do so. He's chained up.

He also realizes he cannot see, rather he can't see because of something covering his vision.


No response.

"Do not speak." Subaru feels all over his body start to burn rapidly.

"AGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Loud scream of pain goes over Subaru, his nerves just got fried.

"Who are you!?" 

"Do not speak." Once again, Subaru feels his own flesh being burned.


Subaru just does not speak, he doesn't want to hurt anymore. Where are the others? Where is he? Why is he being hurt? Did I do something? Why? Why? WHY?

"One of the Bishops said he was someone to capture and torture due to his plan with Betelgeuse. Due to that, The Archbishop of Wraith ordered some of the Bishops to find and Torture him. Rather then kill, which was weird."

"Do you question her words?"

"Of course not, rather it was out of character. Noneless, let's just do this"

"W-W-Wait! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" His nerves begin to be healed and burned at a small pace. It hurts so bad. Where is anyone? Why is this happening to him? Just a moment ago he was with Rem getting stuff to restock the kitchen. And as he went back, Rem went to the village and so He stayed at the path. Then all of a sudden, he went unconscious.

Subaru felt more pain on one of his arms, as a burning iron burned his skin to imprint "Sloth".

On his other hand, he can feel his fingers getting hammered in and broken just to be healed again. Over... and.. Over again.

"STOP! PLEASE! STOP STOP STOP! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" The boy cried and cried but yet no on came. The pain continued.


"Subaru's Missing!?" yelled one voice, which is showed to be Emilia.

"I.. I don't know where he went. The last I saw him was at the fork between the Mansion and village. The next thing I saw was... blood... and him not being anywhere." Rem said as her eyes were covered in tears.

"There is no time to go on crying, we need to find Subaru. That Blood pile means he is already in some sort of Danger. We need to find him Now." Beatrice added on, She was extremely worried but tried to keep it cool.

"I think Cap'n is fine, But I don't want him missing for too long. This worries me."

"I Can say so as we-" Otto tried to respond but got interrupted. 

"Even though Barusu is always useless, I think without him, My sister will be broken. So Ill only help for such reason."

"Weeeeell then~ Let's go find Natsuuuuuuki~" Roswaal answered with, and so, they set out to find him.

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