Story Two °Chapter 3° Daniel + Marcus °1990° ~Daniel's POV~

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry.." I said and she looked up at me and kissed my cheek. Then she noticed Marcus.

"Who are you?!" She said and then grabs me and pulls me away.

"Mom, dont worry. This is Marcus, he took me to the hospital." I said and she whipped her head towards me.

"Hospital! Why the hospital?!!" She said in Japanese.

"Hi Ms Reed, my name is Marcus Frendal and I'm a CEO at Plasma Corp." He said in Japanese and she swung her head towards him.


"I'm Japanese ma'am." He said in English this time.

She stayed quiet then looked between me and him. Then she looked at him.

"Are you the boy who hurt my son that night?!" She said, angrily.

He looks down and bows super low.

"I'm sorry ma'am..." He said and she went over to him and pulls him up.

"You need to leave.. Now..." She said, really angry by this point.

"Mom, please. We need to tell you something.. Please stop and sit..." I said and she looks at me.

"After, he leaves..." Gosh, shes so pissed.

"Please calm down before we tell you. I'll make you some food, if we have any momma.." I said and she stormed over to the sofa and sat down and turned on the TV to cool down..

I walked to the kitchen to see it stocked a little.

"That's all you guys get for food?" Marcus said and I looked at him and he was leaning over me, also looking in the fridge.

I gulp. "Yes.. We dont have enough to fully stock a fridge and freezer." I said and opened the freezer to see one small package of chicken that was just put in there.

"Oh my gosh..." He said and I grabbed it and i got some butter out of the fridge.

"It lasts us a month usually. If it doesnt, I use the little money I have to get food we absolutely need. If we dont have it, we go to a shelter to get some canned food. It's not that bad." I said while I unpack three small chicken breasts.

I put them in the heated pan. I cut small pieces of butter and put it into the pan and then some on the chicken.

I get some really good spices and put it on it.

"That isnt good, Dan. You guys need nutrition and food! You guys cant go hungry like you do." He said coming over to me and touched my back.

I felt sparks fly and I jumped a little. I sigh and look up at him.

"Can you get me the veggies out of the fridge.." I said and he nodded.

I grabbed another pan and heated it up. "Can you cut them for me?" I asked and he looked at me like I was dumb.

I looked at him and he was holding them like he was dumb.

I sigh. "Go sit with mom. I can do this." I said and he shook his head. He grabbed the cutting board and started cutting. They were all wonky. Which was making me mad and frustrated.

"Marcus! Go sit down!" I say getting frustrated and mom looked over.

"Go sit, I'll help." Mom said coming over and I sigh. He leaves, but not without looking at me.

Mom kept looking over at me, even when she was done with cutting the veggies.

I started putting them in the pan when the water from mom washing them and butter splashes out and burns my hand.

"Shit!" I yell and put my hand under the faucet. Marcus comes running over checking on me.

"I'm okay! Go sit back down, please.." I said and pulled my hand back from the water to see it red.

He doesnt, he just stands by my side the whole time. Even after I finish the food. He stayed right next to me.

Gosh, this guy!


After we were done eating, mom looks between us.

"What did you need to tell me?" She said and I set our plates in the sink and then head back over to the sofa. I looked at Marcus.

"Its very... Rare, momma... I have the Gene's and so does Marcus." I said and she looks at both of us.

"I'm Pregnant and its Marcus'." I said and she just looks at us back and forth..

"What..." She said and I nodded. Marcus explains to her how and why. To say mom was surprised when he told her was an understatement. But, she was happy! She'd get a grandkid finally.

"If I lose it though. It'll be hard to get pregnant again mother. Don't get your hopes up that much." I said and get up.

"I wanna see it." Mom said and I looked at her.

"Next appointment is in six weeks. You can come." I said and she nodded.

I was happy, but something broke the cycle. I didnt think it could happen, but it did.

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