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Y/n: ( there something very weird with my stepbrother why did he grin at me, so weird)

A/n: your stepmom went to talk to your dad in the kitchen while you were left alone with Taehyung in the room

Y/n: umm Taehyung can I call you Oppa

Taehyung: call me whatever you want I don't care

Y/n: hay why are you so mean what did I ever do to you

Taehyung: coming into my life me and my mother were fine until you and your father came into our lives!

Y/n:  we'll why you come into my life you son of a_

Y/d: y/n watch what you say, you can't talk like that in front of your stepbrother, go to your room now!

Y/n: but dad he start__

Y/d: now!

Y/n: you never believe me!

Y/d: sorry Taehyung my daughter is still adjusting, I'm sorry on her behalf

Taehyung: no it's fine stepfather she'll get used to me real soon, I should go check if she is ok, is that ok

Y/d: ya sure but tell me if she says anything bad to you ok son

A/n: Taehyung went up to your room and said to you

Taehyung: ok listen to me I'm gonna be nice to you only when we're in front of our parents do you agree or not

Y/n: yes I agree now get out of my room!

Taehyung: my pleasure

                                     Two days later

My Stepbrother (Taehyung ff)Where stories live. Discover now