You: see you there in a bit then

With a click, you shut off your phone and swing your legs out of bed. You hastily throw on clothes a little more suited to outside weather, plus a jacket like Garcello said. Shoving your phone and keys into your pocket, you shimmy into your shoes and throw open the door-- probably far too recklessly, as the door slams against the wall and you're definitely gonna get a noise complaint later, but that's not important right now-- as you step out of your apartment and start sprinting.

Admittedly, you're very out of breath the moment you're close to the alley, but you hadn't really considered your energy levels on the way there. If Garcello needed you, you were going to be there.

Walking into the alleyway, you spot a familiar nest of fluffy teal hair, but not quite where you'd expect. Instead of leaning casually against the wall, you find Garcello sitting on the ground next to it, curled up with his face hidden in his arms. The sight almost baffles you.

You open your mouth, about to speak up when you realize...

...It smells like smoke.

The moment is silent for only a second longer until Garcello lifts his head and spots you. His expression shifts into one of confusion, then into light amusement.

"...Did you run all the way here?" he asks with a grin forming on his lips.

"Um." You cough and your prior worry melts. Ignoring the embarrassed flush running across your face, you murmur, "...well."

Garcello snorts, ducking his head. You smile at his reaction, glad he's at least able to laugh, but you know something's not right.

It's only moments until his light demeanor fades and he's back to the way he was before. He shuffles his feet against the floor, bangs drooping over his face. You approach him and drop down to his level to sit beside him.

"...Garce?" you begin, and he responds only with a slight head tilt in your direction. "...Where's your hat?"

"It's..." Garcello shrugs. "...I lost it."


You open your mouth to try and further the conversation, but the only thing that you can manage is silence. Your teeth click shut.

The quiet stretches on for a little too long before it's broken.

"Sorry for calling you out here," Garcello murmurs and finally looks you in the eye for possibly the first time since you arrived. It's not long before he drops the eye contact and starts fiddling with the fabric of his pant leg. "It's... I, uh... couldn't sleep."

You can't help the frown that makes itself known on your face. You know Garcello well enough to know that's a blatant lie-- or at least, that's not the reason for him texting you to meet up.


The way he flinches makes it clear that he knows he's lying, too. A drop of guilt boils in your stomach.

"Look, Gar," you sigh softly, "You don't have to talk about it. But you don't have to lie to me, either."

He sighs, raking a hand through his hair. You catch a glimpse of his eyes as he does and notice that the rings under his eyes have darkened. His hair drops when his hand pulls away, hiding his gaze from you once more.

"Sorry," he says, truly apologetic. You shake your head at him, trying to smile for his sake.

"Don't be."

Garcello pauses, pressing his lips into a thin line. He seems contemplative in a way you haven't seen before. It makes you a little uneasy, the intensity of it all... which sounds a little silly if you think about it. Garcello's hair disheveled, hat missing, sitting like a sulky kid against the wall... if it weren't for the circumstances, you'd find it endearingly laughable. And cute.

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