Chapter 7 A Fragle Blade

Start from the beginning

When asked how she even knew about the restaurant, Asuna told them that the information was provided by Argo, and teased to ask her about Kirito's information, to which Kirito responded by saying that he'll do the same, but Asuna misunderstood.

After an awkward moment, they finished eating and exited the restaurant. While walking, they noticed a new luck buff from the food they just ate. While thinking about what to do, Kirito decided to take Asuna to the blacksmith and try upgrading her [Wind Fleuret]. The very same Blacksmith that failed earlier in the day.

Philia: I actually wouldn't recommend going to this Blacksmith...

Asuna: Huh? Why not?

Philia: Because Nhazul had saw earlier that he failed to upgrade on another player's sword earlier, making it pretty much useless.

Kirito: I actually heard about something like that happening yesterday. I was going to chalk it up to happenstance, but if it happen again today....

Nhazul: Yeah. Which is why you're better off going to an NPC Blacksmith.

Asuna: I'm still going to do it.

Hearing this, everyone looked at her surprised.

Philia: Asuna?

Asuna: Based on the upgrade materials I have, and adding the ones I collected earlier, there's a 95% chance to succeed. So I'm going to take the risk. A prior failure wouldn't change my odds of success.

Despite their warnings, Asuna insisted on using the Player Blacksmith. The group would then make their way there, now standing in front of him.

Asuna: Good evening. Um, Nezha... Can I call you Nezha?

Nezha: Y-Yes. G-Good evening. Welcome. A-Are you looking for a new weapon or are you here for maintenance?

Asuna: Actually, I'd like you to upgrade my weapon.

Upon hearing this, Nezha clearly looked uncomfortable at Asuna's request. But he couldn't refuse, taking the materials, weapon and money. As Nezha went to begin, Nhazul felt an icy sensation on the back of his neck. The same that made him hold off on upgrading his sword. Looking over to Kirito, he saw he had the same feeling of uncomfortableness. However it was too late to stop.

Kirito and Asuna crossed their fingers and the process started, but at the last moment the [Wind Fleuret] shattered into a pixels, leaving everyone speechless and Asuna heartbroken.

Philia: What...?

Asuna: ....

Nhazul's thoughts: The hell...?  A failed attempt either resulted in the materials disappearing and leaving the upgraded value where they were, or the value is decreased by one. The weapon wouldn't just completely disappear.

Nezha: I-I'm so sorry...! I'll return all your money... I'm so, so sorry...!

Kirito: Before we talk about money, I want an explanation. Weapon destruction wasn't a possible failure state of upgrading in SAO. I played the Beta, and I remember the manual they put on the website. The only penalties for failure were lost of materials, property alteration and property downgrade, that's a fact!

Nezha: Um... I think that maybe that added a forth for the launch. This happened to me once before... I'm sure the probability is very low, though.

Everyone: ...

Kirito: I see...

Nezha: I'm truly sorry. I don't know how to repay you. I'd give you a replacement, but I don't have any in stock. I hate to leave you without an option, so I can give you an [Iron Rapier], if you don't mind the downgrade...

Asuna: ...

Kirito: No thanks... We'll make due on our own.

Nezha: I see...

Before the group left, Nhazul would look at Nezha, now more suspicious.

Nhazul: ...


With tears in her eyes and an empty mind, the group took Asuna to a bench, where Kirito offered to buy a new rapier in another city, however Asuna declined. Asuna admitted that she was heartbroken at the loss of her weapon. Nhazul she shouldn't get so attached to it, because it would have been replaced on the 3rd or so Floor. However, Asuna had considered the weapon "as her child" and that she would fight with it to the very end. Something Nhazul would understand, but given the situation they were in, it wasn't something he thought mattered.

Kirito then told her of a method to take a sword's, or any tool's, soul along—taking the sword's components and using it. Asuna then lamented that there was no way to salvage materials from an already broken sword. After awhile, Philia would take Asuna back to the Inn they were staying at, but Nhazul looked over at Kirito.

Nhazul: You feel it too, don't you?

Kirito: Yeah. Something isn't right.

Nhazul: Then let's go find out what it is.

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