Unexpected Trip

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"Do you wanna go to my favourite place with me?" I squint my eyes.
"I'm sorry, what?".
"Wanna go to my favourite place?" he repeated.
"Right now?" I questioned. What a topic change. I was so confused.
"Yeah." and he held my hand and dragged me to some abandoned hospital. Tyler does this a lot. Nothing Tyler does makes sense, the only thing sensical about Tyler is his mouth. The information he spits on a daily is impressive. I've learnt more things about chemistry than my whole time in university. Yes I studied chemical engineering in university.
"What is this place?" I ask, where the fuck did Tyler take me this time?
"This place used to be an hospital." he stated the obvious.
"Yeah I can see that.".
"But do you know why it's not a hospital anymore?" I had no clue.
"I have no clue." Tyler started being full of useful information again.
"It's because this place had an accident. You see in the 1950's to the 70's they used nuclear procedures for meditation. One of these procedures went terribly wrong and radiation burst through out the building giving many cancer. They didn't return after the accident because it was unsafe, but all, I mean, most of the medication is still inside, tools, gases, machines. Everything still in tact.".
"Why are we here?" I ask distortedly.
"Why can't we be here? Just me and you." Say what you want about Tyler's stupid adventures; but it was nice that it was just him and me. No Marla. No fight club members. No police.
"I never think I've been in a abandoned hospital." I say.
"New territory for you then hey? You know, I could look at this abandoned hospital for days and study the insides and outs of it, but I would rather spend my days just looking at you." Tyler flirts. Tyler was flirting with me? I must be dreaming, the problem is that I can't sleep so I know this was real.
"Oh really? Even after my face has been smashed into concrete and I have a bloody nose from someone beating the shit out of me?" I said while smiling.
"Are you kidding me? I would be the the who smashed your head into concrete!" Tyler joked, I laughed like usual and Tyler looked at me with the annoying smile. Now I can't get it out of my head yet again. Instinctively I punch his face.

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