Tyler Durden

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     I wake up yet again from a horrible sleep. By horrible sleep I mean I didn't get any; I couldn't sleep because Tyler was fucking Marla yet again. Her screams don't go away. You hear it once and then you can't hear anything else for the rest of the day. I don't get why he has her over. He says himself he thinks she's a predator dressed as a house cat. He wants to get rid of her, but if he really wanted to get rid of her she would be gone already.
      Tyler Durden, the most interesting guy I met on my business trip. The guy I first called when my apartment burnt to a crisp. I still don't know why I called him, there is just something about him I couldn't ignore. My impulses took over I guess you could say. Now I've been living with him for almost a year. We get ready together, we say goodbye to each other when I go to work, we fight together. Hell if he didn't invite me to punch him as hard as I could maybe things wouldn't be like they are now.
      Tyler is interesting enough that I had to write two paragraphs on how interesting he is. I still can't believe he makes a living making soap. You don't look at a guy who has naked women printed on his tank top and think "Now that's a guy who makes soap!" no, like me, you probably assumed he was a whore; and that's not a wrong observation either. Mr. Durden, the confident, strong, good looking, whore/fighting club co-owner/soap maker, what a mouth full of a title.
      Our thing is that he'd beat me up, and I'd beat him up back. We liked doing it so much we made a club of other people who also liked fighting and scrawling at each other. Tyler took charge, but that didn't take away that this was our thing. It was until he said something that discredited that, that I really saw where his priorities were.
      One day we were walking to the bar where we hosted this event. On the walk there I couldn't help but realize I was noticing Tyler more than usual. He's in great shape, his personality is so foreword and if it wasn't I don't think Tyler would be who Tyler is. Most importantly, whenever Tyler would crack a joke I'd chuckle and look at his face brighten up when he saw me laugh. His lips would make this annoying smile that wouldn't get out of my head for the rest of the day; like Marla's screaming, or Maria Carey's All I want For Christmas Is You. That's what I hated but also liked about Tyler, he wouldn't get out of my head.
      When we got to the club Tyler hushed me and pushed me behind a door. He spoke with a passionate voice that was also controlling. "Once I get in-front of everyone to set up fights, I don't want you up there with me anymore.".
   "What?" I felt like I was day dreaming. Did he really say that?
    "You heard me." he grabbed my office uniform I was wearing. I didn't care I had to wear this to work tomorrow.
     "I just don't understand, this is our thing Tyler." I was confusingly upset.
     "We'll talk about it more when we get home alright?" after he said that he walked into the crowd and they all looked at him for instructions. I stood there, my mind was pulsing. I quickly became an auto generated response machine.
    "You doing ok man?" some random guy said to me. I guess I might've been standing behind that door for a while, a couple fights have already gone on without me; I wasn't counting how many fights it was. I was still processing what Tyler said and what he meant.
    "Yes, I am fine." I auto generated out of my mouth, and the guy said ok, looked at me funny, and walked away. I blinked for the first time since the talk Tyler gave, and just like that club was over. I left without even talking with Tyler. I got home and somehow Tyler was already there. I was confused, but Tyler looked like he had something up his sleeve.
    "Want to talk now?" he invited.

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