Anayah Jackson

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Anayah Jackson was my sister's name before she passed. I really missed her but I never knew I would write something down like this under her name. This isn't about her as she's six feet underground currently. I'm not an experienced murderer as I only killed one person, Angelina Gonzalez. Her name is like music to my ears when someone cries about her. A-Angelina G-G-G-Gonzalez. I wish I can write how much I'm laughing right now but that would be weird. After the case of Bethany's blood being on both Veronica's and mine, she called me as soon as she reached home. I remember her starting to get scared, I could tell by her voice trembling but I smiled and calm her down like how she was calming me down on the day of my first kill. She didn't kill Bethany so why was she so scared? After I calmed her down, we started to talk about what Veronica told me in the woods. We realized there was someone else like me trying to get to Xavier as well. A rival. But how can someone think like me? Or have time to kill people just for a guy? I mean who the fuck would waste their time? Anyways, the next day, as I step into school I spotted Veronica in the hallway first. She gave me the signal to come over here. So i quickly went up to her locker and we talked. She gave me a necklace, it looked like a pendent. It had to belong to the killer. Well to the girl who killed Bethany, it couldn't be a guy unless they're gay but Xavier isn't gay.... i think? I grab the pendent and stuffed in my bag, we did our little handshake before the class bell was about to ring. I had English for my first period in sophomore year. As I entered the class, there was this girl that spot my eyes to just look at her. Brown curly hair, with a pointed-up nose, freckles, with almond brown eyes. She was wearing a yellow polo jacket with ripped white jeans. Her outfit was just awful in my eyes but anyways. She was sitting in my seat. "The fuck this girl, think she is?" , I thought. I walked over and looked at her with a stank eye but smiled to cover the act. "Hi... you're in my seat." I said. That's the only shit i had to say anything anyway, it tells the person to move but she just replied with okay and looks off to the other side of the class. Why the fuck, is she not moving? Doesn't she not sit all the way in the back of the class so why in the front today? I put my hand on the desk and grip it. "I don't think i wanna repeat myself, this is my seat." "You don't think I know that already know that, now find a different seat, bitch," she replies. I smile. I'm not a weird person but if a person wants to call me a bitch, im going to smile and be a "bitch" they assume I am. I smiled a bit more and chuckled. She starts to form a weirded out face. I started to laugh. "This nobody just called me a bitch." I said aloud. "Get out of my fucking seat—bitch!" I said as I kept laughing. The class started to take a look and stare at me. I was going insane but I couldn't help myself but keep laughing at this bitch who called me one. "A bitch calling me a bitch, you're a nobody." I said louder before Mr. Patricks came in. "Alannah, find a different seat." He says as he walks to his desk to settle before teaching the lesson about some mythical Greek god. I looked at the class and back to the girl. "You're a lucky one because i would've killed your ass if we were alone." I whispered as I adjust my backpack and walked to the back of the class. The whole class was boring but I remember i was thinking about my actions. That, for sure, wasn't me but my anger playing in the making. Why am I so mad about a seat? I didn't know but I didn't want to. An hour passed and the bells rung. As i packed my stuff, the girl came up to me and apologized. Why is she apologizing? "I'm sorry for being a bitch in the beginning of class, I knew it was your seat but i just thought you wouldn't be here today." I stared at her as I quite didn't expect an apology. "I'm sorry, I figure you don't know my name, it's Quinn." I really didn't know what to say until it clicked. "Hi, I'm Alannah, I'm also sorry for giving you an attitude, it's probably because i don't know or have never seen you before in my entire life." I said smiling but i realized the last part was a bit mean. She laughs, the way she laughs was a bit cute though. "It's okay, i understand. I mean would you like to become friends or at least good?" I smiled and nodded my head. Though I didn't specify if we were friends or just good but I knew her as a friend. Time passes, and I became close with Quinn. Quinn was a pretty looking girl, I enjoyed talking with her when we had the chance to conversate. I was still best friends with Veronica but Quinn was also my best friend too. I didn't think about Xavier that much, only Quinn this time. This one time, her and I were on a facetime call. She was quiet this time though, I didn't know why until she explained to me how she's bisexual. At first I was a bit confused but at the same time, she never really talked about anyone at school that seemed attractive to her. I told her I accepted her for who she was, in fact I was happy that my friend opened herself up to me because she seemed to be comfortable. Finally someone who feels comfortable being around me. Our bond grew stronger and stronger. In class, we would sit next each other this time and laugh while getting Mr. Patricks mad. He was just jealous he isn't young like us and perfect. The more I was with her, the more I felt safe. My attention was only towards her, finally a change, not Xavier anymore. I think I love her? But I can't, I never imagine myself devouring into pussy juice. No, this is a friend, a friend who makes me feel safe and comfortable and makes me feel loved for the first time. I texted Veronica about it. She thinks I have a crush on Quinn. She's probably jealous that she never made me feel that way. I couldn't be in love with Quinn. That would mean that I would give up on my love from Xavier. I don't want to give him up. I been in love with him since elementary, that's a love story for our kids to know about. But Xavier never made me feel the way Quinn makes me. I sit in my room and wondered. I should text her. I grabbed my phone and sent her a text. She loves me. She cares for me like nobody else does. I text, "Heyy Quinn, hmu if you wanna hangout right now, ik it's only 11:20 but i want to see you." I wait. Ding. Woah, she answered quick, she definitely loves me. I change my clothes, pack some stuff in a bag and sneaked out the house. I've visit her a lot of times since she lived in the same neighborhood as me. I went to her window and knocked. The curtains moved to the side and it was her. Her bright eyes looking into mine with her hair into a bun. Her smile lightened as soon as she made eye contact with me. Are we in love? She opens up her window so I can come through. Her room was a grudge aesthetic with weed signs everywhere. She even had a weed section in her room. "So what happened Ala?" She says, as she says this I stop looking around. "Oh I just want to be with you, Quinn you make me happy." She smiles and comes closer to me. Why am I getting red? She holds my hand and says, "You'll always be safe with me.." As she says this, she pushes me slowly to the bed. I didn't want to move. I wanted to be love til the break of dawn. She pushes her self upon my body and kisses me. She kissed me. I pushed myself into the kiss. She put her knee in my area and moved it. I close my eyes. I smiled and moaned. We are in love. I put my hands on her face and kissed her. My hands started to move down to her neck. I wanted to see her naked. I wanted to see her art as I want to claim her art for it to be mine and mine only. I caress her neck and lean in to her neck and started to give her a hickey. I suck and suck and sucked on her. Her skin felt so soft. She started to hold me tighter. She enjoyed it, the way she moaned out my name. Pleading me to stop. The tighter she gripped on me, the harder I sucked on her. I started to taste the blood, that feeling you know you're doing good. Her moans made me so excited, I needed to hear more. I needed to. I was desperate. Until she stopped. I let her go and she falls to the floor. Bleeding. I smile. Her lifeless eyes staring into mine. I showed the love I had for her but I guess she couldn't handle it. I get my bag, put my gloves on and close the window shut right behind me. I look in the window one more time. "You're never going to take me away from Xavier. Never my lover... bitch." And I walked....


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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