Chapter Four - The Healing Centre

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A/n: Hey! Shout out to @Evie-Eve for being on all my books! Keep reading!

"She's alive!" Keefe teased as she sat up. She was in the healing centre, sitting on a bed. 

"W- What happened?" I said, I tried to stand up, but someone pushed me down. 

"No. Sophie, you lost a lot of blood and you're still looking pale. You need to lie down while I test you. My name is Elwin." The man had curly brown hair, and glasses. He was wearing a top with bunnies with antlers on it, and wore a concerned look on his face. I looked over at the corner of the room and saw Keefe. He had a smirk on his face and gave her a thumbs up sign. I suddenly felt quite embarrassed I got blood all over him. I felt my cheeks heat up.   

"I'm okay." I said. I looked at my hand. It was bandaged. "Can I go to class? I feel fine!" 

"No. But nice try, so what happened?" He said with a small smile. 

"I cut my hand on a bottle in class, and then got excused by my teacher, she didn't properly see it, then I blacked out" I said, leaving out the part where I had a complete meltdown. I could tell Keefe noticed. He slightly nodded at me, and I knew he would keep it a secret. 

"Well, you need to be more careful. I have a feeling that you will be here again soon. Keefe you can leave now you know." He added.

"I know, I just want to make sure Foster over here will be okay. And it's a good excuse to ditch class." He said. I smiled. Only Keefe would do that. Maybe I could play along with his game.

"Oh Elwin!" I said dramatically. Elwin knew immediately what I was doing. " I feel a little faint! You might have keep me here all day! Uhhh! Keefe, you must stay." I laughed. Me and Keefe were clutching our stomachs we were laughing so hard! I had only laughed like that, since Amy was here. 

"All right! Fine!" Elwin said, stopping me from thinking about her. "You can leave once I finish a final test."


Ten minutes later Elwin was done. He left the room to answer a call, so I decided to get out of the healing centre. As I got up, I still felt weak, and as I was about to fall over, I grabbed Keefe. 

"I know, I'm irresistible Foster." He said. I tried to let go, but I felt like jelly just thinking about it. "So cling all you like." He continued. I grabbed onto him and began walking. As we left, I was clinging on to Keefe as if he was the only thing keeping me up. Actually- it probably was. As we were walking I heard a voice.

"Hey Sophie!" Fitz said as he walked beside me. Biana and Dex were beside him. "So, I need to  prove to- Wow, are you okay?" He asked. I must look bad. I went to the nearest mirror and groaned. My braid was fuzzy, my eyes were red all over again, and I had blood all up my t-shirt and arm.  

"Ugh. You sure you guys still want to be my friend? And Dex? Your friends with Fitz and Biana? I didn't know that." I said. 

"Not usually. But Wonderboy over here told me that you hung out with him, so I told him to prove it. Don't think I didn't notice you avoided the question!" He added. 

I frowned. "Wait- Wonderboy? Oh- never mind, I don't want to know. And what happened was," And so I explained it to them. My chemistry class and my mean teacher, how I cut my hand and then bumped into Keefe. How he carried me to the healing centre, and then I blacked out, waking up and needing Keefe to help me stand. But again I left out the piece that I cried. 

"No wonder you hurt yourself. Miss Galvin really has it out for everyone." Biana said. 

"Oh that's her name!" I said. She never mentioned her name now that I came to think of it. 

"Well, the day's over now. What do you want to do?" Fitz asked. 

"I'm going home, sneaking past my Uncle and Aunty without them seeing this" I said, indicating to myself. "And then I can call you guys and you can come over!" Everyone laughed and agreed with my plan.


I walked through the back door, and climbed up the stairs undetected. Grady and Edaline were still not home. I went to my bedroom, and had the longest shower in history. Blood covered the floor but I mopped it up. 

Once finished, I cleaned my room up and called Fitz and Biana. 

"Sophie, I'm sooo sorry. Mum is getting me and Fitz to stay home and do extra homework. then she wants us to paint the new guest room so we can't come." Biana told me, looking truly disappointed. I laughed. 

"Hey! It's okay! I can tell you would absolutely rather be there than hanging out with me!" I said sarcastically. Biana looked at me half laughing, half not. I laughed. "All right bye!" And then she was gone.

I decided to call Dex next, but he beat me to it.  

"HeySophie,dadwantsmeattheshopsoIcan'tcome!" He said so fast I couldn't understand. 

"Woah! Slow down! Say that again?" I said. 

"Sorry. Dads let me help him make some medicines being sent all around the world. I'm sorry, but I really want to do this! Can we do it another time?"

"Yeah! Sure! But you have to tell me all about it later okay?" I said.

"Sure. Bye!" He said, and then I realised something. 

That just leaves me and Keefe.

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