Story Two °Chapter 2° Daniel + Marcus °1990°🛑Abortion mentioned!🛑

Începe de la început

I could be pregnant... Me, a 23 year old, por, male... WHAT?!!!

"Okay, dont play with me." I laugh. "I'm a Male, I dont get a period and I'm not a female?!" I said and he just looks at me.

We arrive at the hospital. I was gonna prove to him that I wasnt pregnant and that I cant get pre-


"What?!" I said and the doctor looks at me.

"Your pregnant." He said to me and I just look at him.

"Check again, I cant be pregnant." I said and he bowed and had an ultrasound tech come in.

Right when she put the knob on my stomach you seen a little alien like creature.

"Yup, your pregnant." She said and continued looking.

"Your 12 weeks along. You can find out the gender by 14 weeks." She said and I didnt answer her. I was just looking at the ultrasound screen.

How?... Why?!!

"Okay, thank you." Marcus said. The ultrasound tech leaves and I wipe my stomach off.

"Okay, I told you-"

🚨🛑*** If you guys dont like talk of abortion, this is a place to be cautious. Read with you own discretion!!! Dont hate on me and say "why the hell would you write about abortion you sick monster!!" I already gave you reminders that this story and the next story will be hurtful and have miscarriagesand or abortions!! Happy reading!! ***🚨🛑

"I dont wanna keep it." I said and he looks at me.


"I dont want it, I cant have it.. Look at me, Marcus. I'm poor and I'm working in a convenience store with no college education. I cqnt have the baby." I said and you can see the hurt in his eyes. You can see the sadness.

He definitely wanted a kid, even if it was accidental.

"Let's talk about it first." He said and I shook my head fearcly.

"My choice Marcus. Not yours. We're not even together. It's my choice, my body. Get the doctor." I said.


"I SAID GO GET THE FUCKING DOCTOR!!" I scream at him and he jumps a tad and then left the room.

When the door shut I just bawled my eyes out... I cant do this to my mom...

I wipe my tears when I heard a knock.

"Come in.." I said, the only person who came in was the doctor. No Marcus.

"Where's Marcus?" I ask.

"Went to the bathroom. So, do you have any questions." The doctor asks.

"No, but I do want an abortion." I said and his eyes widen but then he nods in understanding.

"Since you are 12 weeks along its gonna be hard. But, I can set you up for surgery in an hour." He said typing on his computer that was in the room.

"Can you do it earlier?" I ask and he looks at me and then nods.

"20 minutes." He said and I nodded.

"I'll have a nurse come escort you down." He said then left.

When he left the door opens again and it was Marcus. He looked like he was crying.

"I'll support you in anything you do. But please... Think about it, please..." He said grabbing my hands and I looked at his eyes.

I cant give him false hope.

"I-" there was a knock and then the door opens.

"Mr Reed? Let's head down to the abortion clinic." The nurse said and I nodded.

"Daniel..." Marcus said and I get off the bed and look at him..

"If your not coming, go home. I can get a cab. If your staying, let's go." I said and followed the nurse.

"Its really rare to get males that are pregnant. So this surgery is gonna be really invasive. We will be-" He starts to tell me how they will be going about the surgery but I stop him.

"Please, dont tell me what they are gonna do to it or me... I cant handle that pressure..." I said and he nods.

When I looked behind me I didnt expect to see Marcus following us. But, I seen him running and catching up to us.

"I'm here and will be waiting for you after the operation." He said and sets his hand on my lower back. I nodded and smiled sadly.

"Alright wait here and I'll come get you when the room is all set. Put this on.." He said and puts us in another sterile room and gives me a gown and I nodded.

He shuts the door and I look at Marcus. He nods then goes out. I get the gown on, open the door and sit on the bed. Marcus comes back in then sits in the chair.

I was bouncing my leg up and down... Do I really want to go through with this? Just because a mistake, should this child have to go through this pain so I dont have to take care of it?!

I put my hands on my face.. Do I really want this...

Marcus sets his hand on my leg. "You okay?" He asks and I nodded..

"Alright, let's go. You can come in and give support but you cannot stay in when the operation begins." The same nurse said and Marcus nods.

We head to the room. I lay in the bed and before they get to poking and prodding they bring over the ultrasound thing.

"We just want to check and see if the date and stuff is right." The doctor said and I nodded. They put a blanket under the gown and then lifted it up.

They put the cold ass gel on my stomach and starts looking.

"Listen. I will be playing its heart beat. If you still want to go through with it, I promise the baby wont feel any pain." He said.

Yeah right they wont...

Then the most beautiful sound came out of the tech. I look and seen the heart beat.

"No..." My voice was a whisper..

"I cant go through with it... No, let me go..." I said and I just cry.

The most beautiful sound... Ever.... Was hearing that sound of the babies heart beat.. Not only did I hear the beating of it. I also heard the beautiful human it will turn into when it grows.

"Get me out of here!!" I cry and hug Marcus.

"Okay, okay... Its okay, they arent gonna touch you Daniel... Dont worry." Marcus said and I shook in fear.

"Alright, get out of here. Get him dressed and go home." I hear the doctor say and Marcus nodded.

He picked me up bridal style, I was still crying heavily.

Gosh. This day has been a wreck..

I had a plan up my sleeve. I want gonna have him keep it but, be being nice and everything. I decided not to! Plus, him getting pregnant is rare and never occurring! SO, this could be his only child!

I hope you enjoyed it!! Sorry for such a sad chapter. Next chapter will be an upbeat one!! I promise!😚❤❤

Love you my loves!! Happy reading!!❤❤

Once Upon A Time: Was I The Reason? ~ BxB, MxM, BL.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum