I would just have to make up my own excuse and tell Director Ahn later.

"To be honest," I started, fiddling with my fingers and lowering my gaze, "my mom went to college with Director Ahn and recently asked her to help me find a job so I could get some experience for when I apply to graduate school. I've never worked on a film before. And then an opportunity popped up for this movie and Director Ahn helped me land it. I think she gives me special treatment because she used to be close to my mom. But we also kind of became friends during this past year."

There. That was good enough, right? Both were believable and plausible. And this lie would coincide with the one I'd told Zara, too. I peeked up at Theo, who tilted his head to the side, dark eyes narrowing, considering my words. Rowan sauntered back over to his side, lips pursed, also appearing to mull it over.

It kind of annoyed me that they didn't just accept my excuse. I didn't get why they were so apprehensive about me. Was it normal to be this suspicious about someone? It couldn't just be because I'd accidentally walked in on Theo half-naked, could it? It was purely an accident! I'd proved that to them!

Finally, Theo and Rowan glanced at each other, having one of their silent conversations, before facing me again. "I suppose your story makes sense, given the fact Eileen was the one who invited you out in the first place," Theo said.

"It's still weird, but I'll accept it this time," Rowan added.

I stared at them incredulously. These two would never be satisfied. "Can I go home now?" I asked, flatly. I was over trying to give them an explanation. I didn't care what they thought of me at this point.

"Were we stopping you from doing so?" Rowan responded, raising an eyebrow in a way that felt condescending.

"Kind of," I gritted out.

"Huh? You could have just left if you wanted to."

"And have you guys still believe I'm some kind of perverted stalker? But you know, it feels like whatever answer I give you two, it won't be enough for you, anyway," I snapped, surprising myself.

Rowan's features tightened, her lips thinning. "It's my job to make sure Theo is safe. I'm only doing my job. And I'm not sorry if that bothers you."

"Right, your job."

"I'm Theo's bodyguard," she responded, an edge to her tone. "So, yeah, it is my job to make sure the people around him aren't stalkers. People like yourself."

Her words irritated me even further. I hadn't done anything on purpose, and both times, I'd explained myself. It felt like Rowan was dead set on making me the bad guy. "Whatever," I said. "Believe what you want, then. Just leave me alone."

"Then you should leave him alone," she said with a thinly veiled threat to her voice.

"You're the one that followed me to my car. Aren't you guys the ones stalking me?" I pointed out, jutting my chin up at her.

Rowan's nostrils flared and she turned on her heel, grabbing Theo's arm. "Let's go." She tugged him away without waiting for a response, not saying anything back to me.

"He's not even all that, who would stalk him," I muttered, watching them walk away.

Theo and Rowan immediately stopped and Theo's posture tensed.

I immediately regretted trying to get the last word in.

Theo slowly turned back to me, his expression void of emotion, impenetrable— like cold marble. I expected him to say something back, but he didn't, he simply looked at me, the weight of his gaze almost tangible. Even with no emotion showing, I could feel the hatred behind that mask. His hands were formed in tight fists at his side, shaking.

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