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It was 3:00 am when you took your stuff and left. Miso was with Hochii your room was almost empty and you were ready..

Farewell Gojo...
Goodbye everyone.

Gojo's POV

The annoying alarm clock rang and I woke up.

Y/n has been mad at me for some time. That's new. I have to comfort her and apologise.

I got dressed and knocked on her dorm door.
Noone answered.

I knocked again. Still no answer. I then noticed that it was unlocked.

That's weird.

I opened the door slowly and poked my head through the opening.

Oh. It's empty.

She is probably already at the training grounds.

I closed the door and went to the training grounds.

Megumi, Itadori, Nobara... Where is Y/n?

"Hey. Has anybody seen Y/n?"

They shook their heads. Maybe she went to the infirmary.

I walked fast to the infirmary. I was starting to get worried. I opened the door.


"Relax. No need to shout I'm here. What do you want?"

She said with her usual cold tone.

"Where is Y/n?"

"Doesn't she usually teach the kids right now?"

"She is not there. Neither in her room. Where is she?"

"She is not here."

"Do you have any ideas where she went?"

I closed the door and went to Yaga's office.

I knocked and I opened the door. I never waited for him to answer and I was in a hurry.


Y/n's brother was there
"Im sorry for interrupting but do you know where Y/n is?"

Horichii had a confused look on his face.

"No? Why?"

"I can't find her anywhere."

Yaga looked slightly at Horichii.

"I dont know. But I wouldn't worry if I was you." Said Horichii. "She knows how to take care of herself believe me." He crossed his arms calmly.


"I suppose she didn't come in today?"

"No. No she didn't. Now where is she?"

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