Chapter 5: Tempting Fate

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Jack and I exit the throne room to go in the hallway so we can conduct an investigation. During this though, we come across more dark shadows that forced us to deduce we were on the right track. Just to be safe, I prepared my powers. I wasn't scared but I certainly didn't expect a larger shadow to come out and smirk. "Hello again, your majesty." The voice said drawlingly. Jack's first instinct was to protect me, so he drew his sword after he removed his gloves.

As the figure grew close, we saw that it was none other than Pitch Black, the Nightmare King. "I have a proposition for you, your majesty... You come with me and become my bride, thus becoming the Queen of Nightmares or else you can say goodbye to Arendelle's hopes and pleasant dreams." He told me. I froze to my spot (which is rare for me), petrified in shock. He's basically wanting me to tie the knot with him or else war will be declared.

This has become a tremendously difficult choice for me because I know Arendelle has been in the need of a king for some time now but at the same time, can I really afford the losses in troops for combat? Before I can give my reply, he speaks again. "I will give you some time to think on my offer, but I expect to know your response by the end of the current month, your majesty." He then leaves with the shadows behind him. After I recover from my petrified stated, I collapse into Jack's arms.

Jack then carried me to my room and set me in my bed as he looked at me full of worry. Is he falling for me as I slowly am for him? "Are you alright, your majesty?" He asks as I sigh. "He faced me with a difficult choice, Jack. I can't get over it that easily as much as I'd like to." He then sighs as well. "I made my promise to protect you, your majesty." Jack tells me, leaving me to give him a smile.

"You have and will continue to do so, Jack. I can rest assuredly at this fact." I reply to his worry. My smiles must be contagious because he smiled back at me and kissed my hand. "I will guard the door for you, your majesty." I nod softly. "Thank you, Jack." He then leaves my room and guards my door for me. I enjoy the quietness of the atmosphere, which helps me slowly drift into a relaxing and much needed royal nap after I write in my diary about his kiss that he placed on my hand.

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