Chapter 9

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Quickly entering my dorm room so to not run into Sam and Amit again, I pulled out my pjs. They were simple, pale blue with bunnies printed on them, but they were snug and comfortable. Grabbing a book I had been reading, I headed back upstairs, my slippers muffling my footsteps. 

I knocked on the door, waiting for confirmation to come in. "Come In." Ominis called. When I entered, I noticed both boys had taken the bottom bunks. "Cosy are we?" Sebastian snickered at my pjs. "Shut uuup." I rolled my eyes. "Why? What is she wearing?" Ominis asked. I blushed.

"You two seem to take a lot of interest in what I wear you know." "We do, because we don't wear the same things you do." Sebastian snickered. "Well, I don't think your jim jams would be glamorous..." Sebastian got out of bed, and I realised painfully fast that he, like many teenage boys, liked to sleep shirtless.

 Ominis also got out of bed, wearing a pale maroon t-shirt and dark grey tracksuit pants. "I think compared to us, your wardrobe is a tad more..." "Cutesey." Sebastian finished for Ominis. I rolled my eyes once again. 

"Well forgive me for having style even in my pjs." I stepped forward to take a bed, but I realised a problem. I also slept in the bottom bunk usually, and that was for a good reason. I wasn't sure how to get to the top bunk, and was too short to reach it on my own. 

I was taller for my age, but still short. Sebastian seemed to notice my predicament. "What's wrong? Beds too tall?" I shot him a murderous look, but he just laughed. "Do you need help?" Ominis offered. I huffed. "I'm sleeping on the floor."

As I lay on the mattress I had pulled out on the floor, I regretted my life's decisions. I had thought I would be sleeping on the floor alone. Of course not. "That's an idea! We could all sleep on the floor together! That would deter any nightmares." Ominis had suggested. 

I was beginning to think he was not as innocent as I had been led to believe. With Ominis on my right, and Sebastian on my left, the single mattresses had been squished together due to the lack of space in the room.

 Ominis was holding his wand up, using a spell to get a better 'look' at the room. Sebastian was browsing through a book he had brought from the common room. I was cursing my height and the fact I was in love with two Slytherins who were too sneaky for their own good. 

I pondered on whether telling them I liked them both romantically would be the best or worst thing to do now. On the one hand, if they liked me back, we could cuddle, which would be so cute. 

But on the other hand, it could make things incredibly awkward, and then i'd have to spend the day with that awkwardness tomorrow...I wasn't sure. "What's on your mind?" Ominis asked. "Huh? What do you mean?" "You tend to get quiet when you're thinking or over thinking something." I turned on my stomach. 

"Am I that obvious?" "It's probably the only thing about you that is obvious." Sebastian said playfully. I groaned, head falling onto the mattress. "I have another question, what's this?" I raised my face a tiny bit to look at what was a small piece of paper. It was the note that had been left on my bed.

 "That's...a note that was left on someone's bed. I'm keeping hold of it and one I found prior to give to its intended recipient." It wasn't a complete lie, I didn't know they were for me...I flopped my face back down. "You're a horrible liar you know." Ominis laughed. 

I outwardly groaned this time. "Look, I just found them. While I'd love to believe that someone has taken an interest in me enough to send me two secret notes, it's just not very likely." "Two?" Ominis asked with surprise. I looked up at him. 

"What? Can't believe I'd have an admirer?" He coughed, turning to face away from me, though I could swear his ears were a tad pinker than normal. Sebastian was also quiet, as though he were processing. "Um, can you show us where the bathrooms are? I heard a rumour that you guys get your own..." He asked quietly. 

Emerald Dreams- Sebastian Sallow x Ominis Gaunt x FemRavenclaw Mc (my oc used)Where stories live. Discover now