Chapter 2: True Monsters & Departure

Start from the beginning

"Quirks aren't inherently heroic or villainous, and neither are the people wielding them. I think it's time you all remember. No one is born a villain, only made that way by years of abuse and misunderstood prejudices that people push onto them."

"And then we have the Quirkless... the trash, the nobodies, the scum... the Dekus."

"The treatment we face is no different than what those with Quirks faced when these abilities first popped up. The abuse, the neglect, the harassment, or being treated like freaks just for existing... although now the roles are reversed." The mood seemed to change, when the quirkless got brought up there seemed to be a little less care than Izuku's words were giving them.

"None of us asked to be this way, yet we are, most of us just want to live our lives with disturbance... but we can't. That being said, it's almost like you're proving their points... that you're all the monsters those in the past made you out to be."

That last statement got everyone's full attention.

He was honestly surprised nobody spoke up when he just compared them to monsters, but he wasn't interrupted. He didn't know if it was the nonplussed atmosphere he created with his verbal bashing, and right now he honestly didn't care. But what Izuku knew was this would be the only time he'll be heard, the young man opted to get it all out, so he continued.

"The Quirkless here tend to learn their very existence is just sheer luck and that they're useless... unwanted. Did any of you know that almost 100% of the Quirkless born in this country over the past 25 years don't even make it to high school? Or that 42% of that don't even make it out of elementary school? How bad does the way you treat us have to be to make children fear tomorrow more than death..."

"Yeah! So what?!" A man from the crowd of citizens yelled out. "We're the ones who did everything in this world! So what have Quirkless pieces of shit contributed to society or the human race at all?!" The crowd parted to reveal the man yelling, he was a relatively young adult in a suit. So Izuku decided to answer.

"Well for starters, Quirks have only been around for about 200 years while humans as a species have existed for about 300,000. So the real question should be, what have Quirked individuals contributed to our society?... Because the answer to that is quite simple really. Outside of the field of heroics, absolutely jack-shit." Izuku retorted, getting more people angry. Clearly, everyone forgot about the minuscule amount of time Quirks played a role in history.

"Humans started by living in caves, now we can live in towers that touch the sky. They created a way to control food supplies. Medicine and treatments have saved billions and continue to do to this day. Machines that can travel distances that could take days or even months in hours. Devices that let us communicate with others who could be on the other side of the planet. They shrunk down computers that would take up rooms to now fit in our hands. And, arguably one of the greatest feats. They put people on the moon."

"Even without Quirks, humans have done some pretty cool stuff, and last time I checked, there wasn't anyone with a quirk to do any of that. So tell me, what have people contributed to advancing the world further outside of heroics? Because last time I checked, Quirks are what stopped society's progression," Izuku all but ordered a response but was met with silence. The man who attempted to call him out had a newfound interest in the ground and everyone else couldn't even look him in the eye. The only person that did was Mount Lady, who still had tears flowing but didn't seem to have any disagreements.

"Now let me ask you something. How would it feel to come home every day after being beaten within an inch of your life? Being alone without love? Being ostracised for something you had no say in? Scared to step foot out of your own home or have to pay more just for basic human rights? What if it was someone you love? "

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