"You can clearly see that he was fine! Now, both of you get back here before you get caught!" I said, exasperated, this close to face palming.

"You'd better listen..Gregory. You wouldn't like her if she's mad. Isn't that right, (Y/n)?"

Shivers went up my spine, and a big lump formed in my throat. That voice..

That fucking voice.

Shit...why do I miss it.

Vanessa giggled as Gregroy's panicked voice took over.

"W-wait, who is this?!" He asked, then looked at me with worry. Freddy's eyes darted around, searching for any threat.

"Oh you don't have to worry about that, kiddo. I'm not here to talk to you. I just want to talk..

To you...(Y/n)~"

"(Y/n).... Do you know this person?" Freddy asked, sounding a little betrayed. He stared at me with suspicion and stepped in front of Gregory protectively.

"N-no! I--"

"Aww...don't say you don't know me, love. You practically kissed me!" She laughed. I could feel my face heating up from embarrassment. I wanted to tell her to shut up, but the lump in my throat prevented me from doing so.

"I'll make this quick, Carrots. That brat's been making my night real stressful, and I ask that you don't add into the pressure. Okay? Just be a good girl, and stay put with the brat."

I finally got the courage to yell back.

"No! I don't know what you want to do with him, but I don't trust you! We don't trust you! Go....go frick yourself!"

Thankfully I had a clear mind to at least censor myself because there was a kid listening in. But apparently, Vanessa found it funny because she was cackling on the other side.

"Ah, stubborn as always, aren't you?" She giggled again.

"Oh well, I like a challenge anyways. Let's see how long you last."

In the distance, multiple voices, all belonging to the animatronics, echoed off the walls of the giant building. All of them coaxing us to come out with sickly sweet voices.

"Hey! Come on out!"

"We're only trying to help!"

"Your parents are looking for you!"

I could see Chica, Monty and Roxy in a strange stance, almsot like they were ready to pounce and chase. I looked over to Gregroy and Freddy then gave them a panicked look.

"Uh oh~ You better start running, love." Vanessa..or should I say Vanny, laughed.

"See you soon~"

Then the call was cut off. The stomps of the three aninatronics closing in made goosebumps rise as I yelled at the two on the other side of the room.


Then I raced off the opposite direction.

With my heart beating loudly and the head pounding from the sudden rush of blood to my brain, I kept on running and running, making my way through this maze of a building. I didn't care where I was going at that point and just pushed through doors. Meanwhile, I hoped that Gregory and Freddy were okay.

Freddy could protect him, right?

I hope so....

My legs burned with exhaustion and I almost tripped over myself. I finally stopped to get my bearings and recognised the dark and long hallways with the yellow lights.

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