Chapter 1: Mysterious figure

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3rd POV

An innocent little broccoli boy was walking home after checking out the more recent villain attack. There have been a lot of strange sightings lately of villains with white masks going around causing trouble as of lately, the authorities have speculated that it's the rise of another villain organisation, however some people speculate otherwise. For some odd reason only strong hero's can see these villains while other weaker hero's or civilians can't, it's a true mystery.

But that brings us to here now, where a young middle schooler is walking home and just so happens to hear a loud crash nearby. This would lead our character off the path to home all because his curiosity got the better of him. Once he reaches the approximate location of the crash he spots a mild crater in the ground reaching roughly 5 metres in diameter and 2 metres deep. This is bound to attract attention. But what began to rise from the crater was a figure clad in a black fitting, with orange hair and a big knife like sword. This wasn't the only thing that scared the boy however, no, it was the white mask on the character's face and just behind that was a pair of eyes with shining golden irises drowning in the black sclerae. The boy continued to examine the strange and somewhat terrifying figure until they made eye contact and entered a prolonged contact.

Any sort of movement felt as though those actions may end the boy's very life right then and there, the mysterious figure was emitting a powerful and deadly aura. The contact was broken when the strange figure turned in the opposite direction and sprinted off into the bushy surrounding leaving the boy to collapse onto his knees in both relief and exhaustion.

'Who *huff* was that *huff* man?' The boy questioned himself while trying to recover from the possible life threatening encounter.

(Well that was the first chapter. Hope you enjoyed reading. I already have other chapters ready and am going to be a huge pain in the ass and tell you to wait till next week for Chapter 2: Fuckin' Kisuke Urahara. Goofy Aahhh :p)

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