003. rendezvous

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003. rendezvous
( third pov )

"so, today, i will be giving you back your test results for the test i took last week." mr. watson said, as he placed a stack of papers in front of him. he lifted them in his hands and started to distribute them amongst everyone.

timothée leaned towards her and whispered, "get ready to lose, laurent."

despite guzi's nervousness, she replied, "i am not scared, we both know who's better."

"as usual, ms. laurent has scored the highest! good work, but do consider giving others a chance." mr. watson chuckled, handing her her test and moving on to give others their tests.

guzi smirked, turning towards timothée who was ready to hop in ongoing traffic.

"well well, chalamet. are you ready for the next most awful week of your life?"

timothée glanced at her, "i hate you."

"the feeling is mutual."


"why?" timothée screeched loudly as they were walking in the hallways.

she put her hand over his mouth, "good god! please be quiet."

he looked at her with surprised eyes and she immediately retracted her hand away from his face. "sorry about that."

"it's fine." he said, and then resumed their former conversation, "what do you mean i have to go on a date with your friend?"

"if you don't want to, fine. i guess i will just have to tell everyone about your failing grade back in ─ "

"no!" he exclaimed, turning everyone's heads towards him.

"jeez, you're determined to get all the attention on you, huh?"

"laurent, you have to understand. i can't go on that date."

"why not?" she questioned him.

"because ─ because i," he sighed, giving up, "nevermind, fine. i'll on that date with marissa."

guzi smiled devilishly, "good! you're going to have the time of your life. who knows? maybe someone will actually like you."

timothée gasped, offended and said, "i'll have you know that many girls would die to be in my presence."

"i believe that that sentence wasn't framed well. many girls would die because of being in your presence." guzi smirked, "are you trying to fail in english too, chalamet?"

"oh please, i am amazing in english. and last time i checked, i am the trilingual here. how many languages can you speak?"

"oh sorry, i was just so busy being better than you that i didn't have the time to learn languages."

"just say you don't have patience."

"just say you confused kafka with plath."

"how dare you, guzel laurent?" he shouted.

knowing that she shouldn't have brought that up, guzi immediately started running, nudging through the group of students.

"wait up, laurent!" he chased after her, trying to grasp her shirt from behind.

guzi ran past the hallways and the quad until she got to the abandoned parts of the building, usually famous as a makeout spot.

she stopped by a pillar to take a breath and before she could realise, she felt a pair of hands grab her from behind.

"chalamet!" she shouted as he lifted her up while she tried to kick her feet to fall back down.

he pushed her up against the wall, "so, what is it that you were saying, laurent?"

"sorry, sorry, sorry! just let me go." she frantically said until she realised how close the two were.

he had placed both of his palms on either side on the wall, thus trapping her. their faces were so close that she could smell her cologne more strongly than ever.

her heart started to beat a little faster. the wind felt a little more colder than before and the sun seemed to be shining just the right way.

"guzel? timothée?" a voice said from their left.

the two turned to see emmett, holding a cigarette and lighter and looking at them surprised.

the two broke away from each other. "it's not what you think ─ "

"yeah, we were just, er she made fun of me ─ "

" ─ and we ran here because we were chasing each other ─ "

"enough, enough." emmett stopped them, smirking, "both of you, just go. i won't tell anyone about your rendezvous."

"it's not that ─ "

"let's just go, laurent."

guzi hits him with her fist in the side as the two walked back to their class.

and as she recalled that moment, for some reason, she could feel her heart skip a beat.

IF THIS WAS A MOVIE/ TIMOTHÉE CHALAMET Where stories live. Discover now