“There. Happy?” His lean, athletic body shines in the dim cave light, the reflection from the nearby pool dancing on his skin. But his is riddled with fresh swollen bruises. Red, angry cuts licking his flesh.

“Not sure if these are from Damon or the rocks.”

“Caden…” I bring my fingers close and he flinches, looking away.

This must hurt more than he’s admitting.

“Lie back. I’ll bring something that can help.”

“But we lost all our supplies in the fall. We don’t have anything.”

Ignoring him, I walk the rim of the cave, searching the vegetation that grows near the water. My eyes land on what I’d hoped to find: a small patch of golden yellow flowers. I begin plucking their petals.

“This isn’t exactly a great time to start gardening.”

“This is pot marigold. Otherwise known as Calendula. It has healing properties.”

“I didn’t know that.”

“Are you that surprised?”

“Well, it’s not every day you meet someone with knowledge of medicinal plants.

“I hike a lot. You pick up things here and there.” I grind the petals into a paste mixing them with the fresh spring water.

“This salve will speed up the healing process, and take away any chances of infection.” I kneel close to Caden. He eyes me and the golden ointment as I hold it out for him to take.


“Well what?”

“If you’re going to play doctor, you should do it properly.” He stretches out slowly, the angles of his physique sharp in the moonlight. “Could you put it on me?”

“The reason being…?”

“If I’m being honest…it’s hard for me to move much at all right now.” He shifts slightly, and I catch a flash of pain in his eyes. “Please. I won’t bite.”

“Okay. But you really have to hold still.” Caden puts up both hands, a wicked smile on his face.

“Wolf’s honor.” I take the golden yellow ointment between my palms and rub until it is nice and warm. Then I press it to his skin. Caden sucks in a sharp breath, but he quickly relaxes under my touch as the medicine begins to take effect.

“Whoa.” He closes his eyes and I lean back, as I carefully move my hands over his injured ribs. I almost lose myself in the rhythm of my movements, my fingers brushing over the slopes of his abs and he mother fucking groans, sending all sorts of electricity deep in my core.

“Am I turning you on?”

“I’ll plead the fifth on that. But I’ll admit this feels…” I steal his words as I rub the marigold into a particular dark bruise, easing his pain instantly.

“This feels really good.” As I finish applying the medicine to his chest, I notice a dark, angry cut curving over the back of his shoulder.

“Can you sit up? I want to check that out.” Caden does his best to sit up, his eyes half-lidded from my handiwork. 

Sure enough, there is a fresh wound along his back. I apply the salve carefully. As I rub between his thick shoulder blades, he groans again, his head tilting back.

“You really do have a magic touch, Arabella.”

“Thank you.” I finish and pull my hand away. Caden’s body practically deflates as I leave him.

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