The Tea Shop

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I was walking around Ba Sing Se, getting my families groceries, when I saw a tea shop. I wanted to enter but my mother had caught up to me and dragged me away...but I could have sworn the boy with the scar inside starring at me.

My mom and I were back the next week, this time she let me go to the tea shop. I couldn't keep my eyes off him. I kept coming back day after day. I think he's starting to notice. I finally decided to say something, "Thank you for the tea, what's your name?" I asked him. "My names Lee. My uncle and I just moved here." He turned around to face me. "Hi Lee, my names (Y/n). Thank you and well..I was wondering you would like to go out some time?" I was so nervous. "He would love too!" His uncle replied. "Great! I'll meet you in front of the shop at sundown!" I smiled and waved to him as I turned away.

"Hey!" I turned from around the corner as I heard Lee leaving the store, "Well look at you! You look so cute!" I laughed a little and ruffled his hair. "It took my uncle 10 minutes to do my hair." He started trying to fix it, but I just giggled and led him to a restaurant.

"So how are you liking the city?" "It's Ok..." "What do you like to do for fun?" I took a sip of my tea. "Nothing." He played with his food, I wonder if he was anxious. "Excuse me sir, but would you and your girlfriend care for desert?" A waiter asked. "SHES NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!" He slammed on the table. I laughed, he was so worked up over something so simple. I began eating my noodles, as the waiter had just brought more by for me. "You have..quite an appetite for a girl." Lee said. "Why thank you!" I kept happily eating my noodles, after I finished, "So, Lee, where were you and your uncle living before you came here?" I asked, hoping that wouldn't strike a nerve. "Umm, well we've been traveling around for a long time." He fidgeted with his fingers. "Oh! That sounds exciting! Why were you traveling so much?" I was filled with curiosity. "We were uh, part of this traveling circus.." His eyes met mine. "Wow! That sounds wonderful! Let me were a juggler!" I laughed lightly. "Yes! I juggled." He crossed his arms, was he getting annoyed? "I've always wanted to learn how to juggle, can you show me something?" I handed him a few items, smiling from ear to ear. He took them, but when he tried juggling they all fell. "I uh haven't practiced for a while.." He looked away from me. I laughed, "It's alright, that was quite entertaining...Hey I wanna show you one of my favorite places in the city."

"I'm so excited for you to see the firelight fountain! The lamps make the water sparkle, and reflect in the pool in the most beautiful way." I was dragging him along with me, but when we got there..."Oh no! I can't believe it...they aren't lit..." I frowned and looked to the ground. "Close your eyes...and don't peek." Lee instructed me, I followed. After a few moments, Lee said, "Ok, now you can look." I opened my eyes and saw the beautifully lit fountain before me, "Oh wow...What happened? How did they light? What did you?..." We both looked to the fountain. It was so quiet, and peaceful. I reached for Lee's hand, and he held mine, but only for a moment. "Oh Im sorry. I shouldn't have done that without asking." I turned away from him. "No it's alright, it's just complicated. I have to go now, but thank you." He turned away and left me at the fountain.

I saw Lee again the next day, at the Tea Shop. He said it was complicated, and I wanted to respect that, but he seems so interesting, I need to be friends with him. I hoped it wouldn't be awkward when he saw me, but it was. Although, I solved that problem, "Lee! You're such an interesting person, and I would love to be friends!" He seemed shocked, "Friends?..." He turned to his uncle, who nodded to him, "I would like that." We smiled to one another, and then he went back to serving tea, and I went back to drinking my tea.

The next time I was in the tea shop, Lee's uncle  informed me that they would be heading up to another ring of the city. That made me happy, since it's the ring I lived in. I would see them a lot more often now.

The following morning, I brought tea leaves from the higher ring to Lee and his Uncle Mushi. Lee was sick and Mushi wanted to give him herbal tea. I stuck around, for I was worried about Lee. Mushi instructed I stay in a separate room if I was going to stay the night to help, and I rushed home informing my mother where I was going to be staying that night. She understood and let me go back. I returned back to their home, and help with their chores. While I was cleaning the tea ware, Lee woke up in a frightened state, "Lee? Is everything alright?" I rushed over to him. "Everything is fine..." I laid him back before laying down myself. We both passed out quickly.

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