37: Regularly Scheduled Program

Start from the beginning

"Wait, wait, wait!" Kirishima hushed him, "Sit first. I wanna be comfortable for this story." 

The rest of the class seemed to agree, retaking their places on the couch. Taiya ended up sitting between Kaminari and Hagakure so he could face everyone. 

As he sat down, his sensative hearing picked up some shuffling. He looked over at the corner of the room, by the kitchen and saw Bakugou standing there. 

He just stared at Taiya with this angry sort of look and didn't say anthing, slinking back into the hallway . Taiya's brow furrowed in confusion. 

What the hell was that about? 

---------- --------- --------- ------------ ----------- ----------- ---------- ------------ -----------

Taiya couldn't help but reminisce about his first day at school as he sat in his dorm room that night. 

He remembered staring at the apartment and dreading everything he saw. The shared bathroom, the small rooms, the cramped living space. God it seemed so awful. 

Going from having a mansion where you could avoid your family simply by using a different staircase to a small two bedroom apartment where you were practically on top of each other was jarring and Taiya hated it. 

At least at first. 

He still didn't like not being able to randomly do cartwheels or stretch out all the way where ever and whenever he wanted and he didn't like that their building had a gym but it was shared. He missed the one in the basement back home.  

That being said, living in an apartment instead of a house made him feel much more connected to other people. He saw the same people in the elevators all the time, went to the same shops and parks. It was a weird sense of community he'd never had before. 

The dorms were that times twenty. Sharing a bathroom with Mori had been one thing, but sharing two bathrooms with everyone on his side of the hall? He wasn't excited at the prospect. 

It also meant he was living apart from Mori. Fuck, thinking about it made him more sad and frustrated. 

Taiya flopped back onto his bed, rubbing his temples in hopes that would alleviate the stress. 

Aizawa had said Mori was trying to see him again, but they had mostly just spoken about his parent's negligence trial. What he wanted the outcome to be, how everything would be handled depending on the outcome. 

God it was too much work to think about that and Taiya was dreading the fact he'd have to look at his mom in court. He was testifying, he'd have to. But to badmouth her in front of everyone? 

As much of a bitch as Taiya could be, he didn't know if he'd be able to do that to her. His stepdad on the other hand, he'd curse him out any day of the week, any time. 

Groaning in frustration at his situation, he reached for his phone that was charging on the nightstand. 

Honestly the worst decision he had made since his return to Japan had to be redownloading social media. He made new accounts without his name attached to them, but he was still stalking what people were saying online. 

His fans really were the best. There were a lot of people saying they were just glad he was safe, but there were a couple really good memes. Like one that just said 'Damn Pan Entertainment and the police were really like 'we have eyes on where he could be' and then this bitch was found outside the country' or 'Taiya you were already wanted internationally for your movies you didn't need to become the world's most famous missing person'. 

However, there were a few posts that send him straight into 'punching a hole in the wall territory'. 

People saying he looked sick, so he was probably on a drug bender the whole time. Some people saying he looked dead, that he was a criminal not a potential victim. Others were just interested in the beige and black combo of his hair colour right now, or the length. 

Taiya ran his fingers through his hair, frustrated that it was somehow getting more attention that the League attack. Wasn't that more important? Shouldn't that be the focus of the articles? Fuck, what was wrong with these people?? 

But see, as much as Taiya was a changed person, he hadn't changed enough to lose his sense of excitement and mischief. 

He knew he wouldn't be appearing publicly until the trial in a few weeks, so he had a chance to do something before then. It was sad, his last paparazzi startling attempt had been the tongue piercing, but that was old news now. 

Quickly he closed down the app and opened his messages, sending a text to Mina. He got one back pretty quickly and stood up, leaving his dorm without an ounce of hesitation. 

He met Mina at the girl's bathroom. She was standing just outside the door with Jiro at her side. They were both giving him very concerned looks. 

"You sure? This isn't some dare or something?" The girl asked, suspicious. 

"Nope." Taiya answered simply. "Just wanted to change something, I guess.". 

Mina nodded, gesturing for Taiya to step inside the bathroom. They sat him down on a stool in front of the mirror like it was some sort of makeshift hair salon. 

That thought reminded him of something. 

"The makeup and hair people are gonna kill me for this." He thought aloud. Mina laughed evilly. 

"Well there's nothing they can do about it now. You ready?". 

"Fuck yeah I'm ready.". 


Wassup guys exams are kicking my ass and apparently so is wattpad. Not the books themselves, just the website. 

For some reason for the last few days whenever I've tried to do anything on wattpad my computer lags so much its crashed because of it. I really don't know what happened but it randomly fixed itself today so I banged out this chapter in like an hour which has to be a new record for something. 

So Taiya's back at U.A! I'm glad to bring the focus of this back to the original location of this fic, if anyone even remembers that this fic was super school and hero training focused at one point. 

There's a lot going on and its gonna get complicated so go ahead and start considering this like season two of Smoke and Mirrors. Like its the same book, but this is effectively season two. 

Things are changing, Taiya's parents are up for trail, the movie shoot he was training for this whole time is rapidly approaching (did I just spoil my own plot points? I think that's what just happened) and of course Bakugou, who you might remember was literally saved by Taiya hasn't so much as uttered a peep since he got back. 

And on top of all of this Taiya has no Mori for support as he tries to get his life in order and not make contact with Taiya so it doesn't seem like he's coercing him into accepting the custody agreement. And Aizawa can't really tell Taiya what Mori's planning on doing because he's scared to get the kid's hopes up in case it all falls through. 

Basically shit is insane right now but wooo! More hero school! 

And yes I'm not going to tell you what Taiya does to his hair until the next chapter and that's final 😇

Stay Tuned! 

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