
978 53 15


Walking out of my final meeting with the coordinator of Jabari's Self Defense seminar at the high school, I check my phone to see a message from Maliq, the officer.

Hey gorgeous, what you doing for lunch today?

Happy with the fact that I can breathe a bit better now that I've gotten Jabari somewhat back on track, I answer open to the idea of a lunch date.

No plans just yet, what did you have in mind?

While I wait for his response, I check my notes to see what else I could possibly be doing to get Jabari some more positive publicity. Greg has shifted some of his managerial duties over to me, which I certainly don't mind.

You like Middle Eastern?


We meet up at the restaurant and he greets me with a hug and kiss on the cheek.

I can't help my blush.

"How are you?" He asks with his hand resting on my lower back.

"I'm well, got a little bit of a breeze off of work while my client is away on his road trip so I finally have time to get to know the city a bit." I allow myself to share any and everything that's on my mind.

"Right cause you just moved here not too long ago if I'm not mistaken?" He takes his seat across from me in the booth.

"Kind of. I'm from Miami but I've been living in Memphis for the past 5 years or so, I just relocated here."

"What made you make the move?"

"I got a new job."

"Mhmm, you're a fixer I remember you saying. So you ever going to tell me what or who you're fixing?" He smiles resting his head on the side of his balled up fist.

"Did I ever tell you how much your information came in handy? I appreciate the insight. It was very helpful."

"She's deflecting I see." He speaks to himself I'm guessing. "Listen... I'm not going to find out this girl's body was discovered dead in a ditch somewhere am I?" He widens his eyes a bit.

I laugh at the absurdity of his statement.

"Of course not. I just think my client should know who he's getting himself involved with. You saw her history, you seem like a smart man. I'm sure you know why I needed that information."

"Ahhh, so you work for one of these ball players I take it."

"And I'll let you." I wink at him picking up my menu.

He laughs shaking his head.

"You're what my sister would call "cheeky". Definitely a bit of a flirt." He tells me.

I can taste a hint of tamarind from the food on his lips still. His breath is warm in a comforting way. His hands find cover underneath my skirt.

"Wait, you have to get back."

"Shit, I'll get back when I'm ready to get back." He tells me diving into my neck.

I let myself enjoy his affection for a bit and then it hits me that I'm literally engaging in an intimate act with a man I barely know in a restaurant bathroom.

I push him off of me slightly.

"Let's stop before things get out of control." I pull my skirt down and get off the counter.

He backs up just watching me.

He bites his lip and I can sort of see his hard on through his uniform pants.

I turn around to wash my hands deciding not to say anything about it.

He comes up behind me and presses himself up against me. He rests his hands on my hips.

"I like you... this doesn't mean I'll never see you again does it?" He kisses my neck again.

"No, I just would prefer not to engage in any sort of intimacy in a public setting like this."

"You right." He kisses me once more and then smacks my behind. As I dry my hands, he turns me around to kiss him again and something about this whole interaction suddenly turns me off. It almost feels transactional, which yes it was intended that way on my end but I never expected to actually have to give him some. I was just going to treat him to lunch a few times and then fade out of the picture.

Plus, I think I just genuinely have no interest in being touched by anyone right now.


I haven't even taken my shoes off good before Laura and I are all over each other.

She said she would cook for me but to be honest I don't really care about that, it's not what I came over here for.

Right now her neck tastes better than anything she could possibly put on a plate.

She moans into my ear and then pulls her face back to kiss me. And while I want to give in for some reason I'm not into her like that.

I simply peck her lips and then try to play it off by kissing her cheek. She lays back allowing me to climb over her as she takes the bottom of my shirt in her hands to start pulling it up.

I reach down into my pocket for my wallet and pull out a condom. It's from the box Eli bought to the house and made me put in my bag. She watched to make sure I did because she knew I was going to come see Laura again.

I laugh to myself thinking about how crazy that conversation was. She's like a little mom for real. She really cares. She isn't the first "fixer" my parents have brought in. I ain't fuck with none of them. Even the one other woman they hired thinking I'd be more receptive to female instruction.

This isn't just a job to Eli. And even though she's never said that, and would probably be too prideful to ever admit, I can just tell. It's only been a few weeks but I'm truly grateful for her and how close we've become in such a short time. I actually consider her to be a friend, and I take it I'm hers given I'm all she really knows back in Nashville.

Everyday I still think about the first night I met her and how badly I behaved.

Losing my focus almost completely and not wanting to disappoint, I turn Laura over to hit her from the back.

Her moan changes frequencies and I can tell she's enjoying herself. That's good though, because I'm certainly working harder than I ever have to get this one off.

I close my eyes and throw my head back trying to conjure up any image that might turn me on a bit more. And only one thing comes to mind.

"Fuck, Elijah..." I groan falling out on top of Laura's back. I rest my open mouth against her skin as I try to catch my breath.

She quickly pulls away from me.

"What the fuck?"

I'm completely thrown off by her change in attitude.

Wait, what did I just say?

"Are you fucking gay?"

"Don't play with me like that." I get defensive.

"No don't play with me. You've been fucking a nigga. You just called his name, that's why you turned me over like that, that's why you ain't want to fuck me last time we were together. Get the fuck out you fa-." She stops herself from completely using the slur. "Just get out. I'm so disgusted right now I could kill you."

She takes a deep breath and wears a look on her face that backs up her statement. Her whole demeanor is different. She's aggressive as fuck right now. Saying anything else would be pointless and would probably add fuel to the fire.

I quickly get dressed and dip. Fuck that bitch, her pussy ain't even worth the trouble.

But damn Elijah. That green dress really had me on one.

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