Chapter 6 - New Jersey and Montreal

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Allie's POV
College flies by after I finish the first year and before I know it, I'm graduating with an Associates in business management.

I'm planning on moving to New Jersey to be close to Jack. Jack and I had been discussing it and we decided that we're going to be roommates in New Jersey.

I'm super excited to start up my business. I found a nice spot for my boutique, but first I need to work to pay off some of the student loans I still accumulated. The softball scholarship helped a lot, but it still wasn't enough.

Jack found me a job as a towel girl on the benches for his team. It wasn't my first option, but I'll make good money.

A few months ago, Jack made his first NHL debut . He was super excited and the whole family came to watch him play. All except Quinn who was in Vancouver playing for the Canucks.

I wasn't working as a towel girl yet since I hadn't even graduated yet, but Jack got us seats right in front of the glass.

Jack is a starter for his first game, probably because he was a first draft pick.

The game doesn't work out in Jack's favor though. Jack is pushed and shoved by the other players all because he's younger and smaller than everyone else.

When the game's over, my parents go back to the hotel after meeting my brother outside of the locker room right after the game. I wait outside for Jack because I'm taking him home.

I had driven him here for his first game because I wanted to be able to talk to him after the game.

Jack comes out of the Prudential Arena and I wave at him, a smile on my face. When Jack gets closer to me, I notice that he's crying. He tosses his hockey bag in the back seat and gets in the passenger seat, slamming the door behind him.

"Jack, what's wrong?" I ask. Jack shakes his head.

"Nothing. It's just allergies," my brother mutters, wiping his tears away. I sigh.

"Jack, you're my twin brother. I know when something's wrong. Why are you crying? I'm not leaving till you tell me," I press. Jack looks at me and his shoulders slump.

"No one takes me seriously in the NHL. When those players look at me, all they see is a small kid. A weakling who they can target," Jack explains. Tears begin to spill down my brother's cheeks again.

I lean over the center console of my SUV and give Jack a hug.

"It's okay Jackie. I'm here," I whisper, stroking my brother's short brown hair. I don't use my brother's childhood nickname very often, but I felt like saying it now in order to comfort him.

It breaks my heart that my brother's favorite sport is causing so much hurt for him. I know that it'll get better as he keeps playing. This is just a rough patch.

"I know it's hard right now, but it'll get better. You're a great hockey player, Jackie. Next time, you'll knock 'em out of the water. I just know it," I explain. Jack looks over at me and wipes some of his tears away.

"You really think so?"

"Yeah. I wouldn't be surprised if your luck changes at the next game you play," I say.

"Thanks Allie Cat. Can we go home now?" Jack asks. I nod.

"Yeah. Unless you've got anything else you need to get off your chest,"

"No. I'm okay now," Jack says with a smile.

Since then, my brother has done good in the NHL which I'm incredibly thankful for.

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