Off Limits (Robbie McClanahan- #24)

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Rob grinned as he walked out of the locker room in Boston, joking with Buzz Schneider. Even though their time in Minnesota was brief, he still really liked the older guy, and they got along well. The boys had just beat Harvard, and he was in particularly high spirits.

In front of him, Jack O'Callahan walked up to a group of people, each of them sporting the same blonde hair. It wasn't hard to tell that they were related- especially when he saw Jack side by side with his dad. Then, the girl closest to Jack turned around, and the boy thought that his heart was going to stop.

She was beautiful.

Absolutely, drop dead beautiful. Her blonde hair fell in soft waves to frame her face, perfectly. Blue eyes that matched the eyes of his teammate pierced through him when they met his brown ones. He knew right away who she was- and that she was entirely off limits.

Janie O'Callahan, Jack's brainiac of a sister.

Jack had talked about his sister a ton over the past few months. He was so proud of her, and the two were incredibly close growing up, spending every day together. During hockey, she would sit at the rink and wait for her big brother to finish up with a book in her hand.

She was also a genius, evidently. A theoretical physicist who graduated from MIT a year early (the same year that Jack graduated from BU), and was now working towards her PhD from Princeton. Jack loved her so much- and right away, Rob knew he could never go after her.

He couldn't deny the little spark of anticipation that raced through him as their eyes met. But, he smothered it down. Him and Jack had just worked out their differences- he wasn't going to ruin it. He couldn't ruin it.

Janie was baffled by the tall, dark haired man who had gazed into her soul. And even more confused when the same man looked away quicker than she thought possible.

She shook off the odd encounter, turning to face her brother, whom she couldn't be prouder of. An Olympian- but also the best brother in the world.

She could still remember when she came home from middle school, crying her eyes out because she got bullied by a group of girls (the same ones that made the rest of her middle school career terrible). Jack was so upset- he was ready to walk over and scream at them until his face was blue. Luckily, Janie had stepped in and stopped him before he could go and make things worse, but the point is there. Janie means absolutely everything to Jack.

Which is why it absolutely killed Rob that she was completely off limits.

Huffing in annoyance, Rob decided to push the curious blue eyed girl from his mind. He would think about this later- much later. He swiftly walked out the door, following Buzzy onto the bus.

Once he was gone, Janie turned to Jack. "Who was that guy, Jack? The one that came out last?" She asked, pointing to the door leading outside. Eyebrows furrowing, he realized that she was without a doubt talking about Mac. He's always the last one out.

He shook his head. "Oh that uh, that was Mac probably." He said sheepishly. Janie's eyebrows immediately shot up, mind going to the first few phone calls she had with her brother. She had listened to him go on and on about this guy from Minnesota, and how it was the same one that had gotten him tossed from the championship a few years back, and then finally how he had given him a bloody nose. Janie felt her cheeks get warm.

Noticing her expression, Jack's smirk took over his face. "I know that look, Janie. You looked at Anthony Jones that way for years. You have a crush." The deepening red in her cheeks was enough of a giveaway. A plan began to take place in his mind- and man was he going to have fun with it.

Janie huffed in annoyance. "So he's attractive. Guess what, 90% of the guys in this team are. Big deal." But the fact that she absolutely could not meet his eye told him that it was a bigger deal than she was letting on. His plan began to shift a bit- but he still needed to figure some things out.

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