Viserys sighed as he watched his daughter disappear from his chambers before fingers pressed into his jaw, directing him to turn his head. Darla leaned over the King, brushing her lips over his. Viserys's eyes fluttered shut as he chased after her touch. His mind cleared as he sunk into the kiss, all that concerned him was the dark haired beauty pressing her body against his.


After the remnants of dinner had been cleared and cleaned away and Darla had finished her post on her knees before the King, the Grand Maester and Hand had been called to Viserys's chambers. Darla watched as the maester's unwrapped the cloth bandage around Viserys's little finger. Her nose scrunched up in disgust as his hand was placed into a bowl of wriggling maggots.

"This is our best chance to save the digit, Your Grace. The maggots will remove the dead flesh and hopefully stop the advance of the rot." The Grand maester spoke.

Viserys turned in his seat, not wishing to watch the maggots feast on his flesh. He looked to his head advisor. "I held an audience earlier today with Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys."

"That was most charitable of you, Your Grace. I'm sure Lord Corlys appreciated the spirit of it." Otto Hightower quickly responded.

"He proposed a marriage." Viserys's eyes darted to where Darla stood in the shadows of the room.

"To whom, Your Grace?" The Hand's eyebrows raised in question. Darla had no doubt he was weighing his own daughter's chances against the Sea Snake's.

"The Lady Laena. To combine the strength of our houses, and demonstrate my reign's strongest days are ahead, not behind." Viserys repeated the Lord of the Tide's words.

"Lord Corlys has overreached, Your Grace. Such matters must be discussed with the Small Council." Otto attempted to dismiss the proposal.

"That is what I'm doing, presently," Viserys argued. "So, what is your advice, dear Otto."

"The Lady Laena is young, Your Grace."

"Indeed," Mellos spoke up. "But the wounds made by the Great Council still linger, my King. A match with their daughter would go a long ways towards sealing the breech and uniting the two great Valyrian houses would certainly signal unity throughout the realm and beyond."

"The Grand Maester's reasoning is sound."

"I do fear what Rhaenyra might think." Viserys spoke.

"What does it matter, Your Grace?" Mellos interjected. "Her mother has passed. Her father must propagate the royal line."

"I dearly loved my own lady wife. The pain of her passing still haunts me. And to be compelled to replace her for duty's sake. You are the King. But I do not envy you." Darla rolled her eyes at the Hand's attempt at empathy.

Viserys sighed, falling back in his seat. The hand not covered in squirming insects rubbed at his jaw. "I wish to be alone."

Bodies moved about the room as the Grand Maester struggled to gather all their supplies and wrap up what was left of the King's pinky. The Hand oversaw the Maesters' departure, all while his eyes met Darla's from across the room. Darla couldn't help the smirk that spread across her face as the ambitious man was ordered from the chambers.

As the doors swung closed, Darla stepped from the shadows and knelt before Viserys's chair. Her hands grasped his uninjured one as Viserys inspected the space where his finger used to be.

A loud exhale left Viserys's lips as his free hand fell onto the table. "I do not know what to do, Darla. If I wed Alicent, Rhaenyra will be furious. But the Lady Laena is nothing more than a child."

"I cannot tell you what to do, but I can help you decide." Darla responded, taking his injured hand. Her lips brushed against the knuckle where his finger had sprouted from.

"How would you do that?"

"Easy," Darla sat back, staring into the King's eyes. "You have spent time with both, whose company did you enjoy more?"

"Alicent, I suppose."

"Then you should marry the Lady Alicent."

"And what of Rhaenyra? She will be enraged."

"Lady Alicent and your daughter are friends. The Princess may be angry for a time, but she will learn to accept it and may even welcome the relationship. At least this way she may keep her friend close."

"Corlys and Rhaenys will be irate."

Darla leaned back, slipping her hands from Viserys's. "I did not realize the realm had chosen the Seasnake as King." She stood to her feet, bracing her hands against the back of Viserys's chair and looming over him. "I thought you wore the Conciliator's crown and sat upon the Iron Throne."

"I do," Viserys's head tilted back, looking up at Darla. His hands moved without a thought gripping onto Darla's hips. "I am the King." He pulled her closer until Darla straddled him. His neck strained as he sought out Darla's lips, whispering against her skin. "If I am forced to take another wife, I will make your position official.

"You honor me, my King." Darla breathed, finally allowing her lips to meet Viserys's in a kiss. Pride defiled her being, soon the King would wed Alicent and Darla would be his royal mistress. quickly turned passionate.

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