Chapter 38 - The Final Bow

Start from the beginning

"You still haven't found it, then?"

"No, it's gone for good. Any idea on what the universe wants to tell me with that?"

The corners of Orion's mouth curved into a smile. "My humble guess is that it wants you to have faith. Everything you need to shine is already within you."

"Right now, everything within me really feels like it wants to come out."

Her words made Orion laugh, a low, warm sound that made Lizzie feel a little better. When he opened the clasps of his own arm protection, underneath which he had wrapped his old necklace with the bright, polished stone around his wrist, she blinked in surprise. Her confusion turned into astonishment as he made to brush the leather string from his hand.

"What are you doing?"

"Fate has been a fickle companion lately, but I trust that it will lead us to our destiny today," he said as he held the pendant out for Lizzie to take. "You need the reassurance more than I do."

Lizzie's eyes flicked between Orion and the necklace. She was tempted to accept his offer but, at the same time, knew that she shouldn't. She missed her topaz necklace, and she missed him, and that was why she shook her head and closed Orion's hand around the pendant again.

"Thank you," she said, her voice feeling raspy in her throat, "but I can't."

"I wouldn't have offered it if it wasn't okay."

"I know," Lizzie smiled sadly, "but it's time I learn to play without either you or my necklace. I'm a big girl now."

"You are indeed," Orion said with an incline of his head. "Then let me offer you a piece of advice instead - don't linger in the past, and don't worry about what's to come. None of it is of importance. All that matters is -"

"- the here and now."

Feeling his eyes on her, and with her hand still resting on top of his, the fluttery feeling in Lizzie's stomach made way for a far more pleasant one. For just a moment, just because she desperately needed a piece of Orion's calm and confidence, she didn't push the feeling away.

"The here and now," Orion nodded. "Let's remain in the moment and forget what lies beyond. This is the moment of your final bow. Let's make it unforgettable."


While Lizzie had still been slightly nervous as she and Orion had hurried after the rest of their team and lined up at the pitch entrance, all of her anxiety vanished the moment the referee released the Quaffle. She followed its ascent with her eyes, and as soon as the umpire's whistle sounded, she shot straight after it.

Due to her injuries, Lizzie hadn't played either of the two season fixtures against the Magpies and now got to experience first-hand what the Daily Prophet had come to call 'otherworldly skill'. The Bludgers coming after her were aimed with frightening precision, and the Montrose Chasers flew with such agility that it was all Lizzie could do to keep up with them.

Montrose's most dangerous asset, however, was their Keeper. Anthony O'Leary - a tall, brawny man with curly dark hair and keen eyes - had recently been nominated as reserve Keeper of the Irish National Quidditch team, and he did his best to prove the scouts' decision right. His reach was infamous, and more than once he thwarted a goal Lizzie had believed foolproof with apparent ease.

Despite their best efforts, the Wanderers soon trailed behind in points. When O'Leary kicked the Quaffle away after another failed attempt on his goalposts, Skye crossed into the ball's path and plucked it from the air. She flew high above the rest of them, and Lizzie only needed one look from her to know what was on her mind. She called out to Orion, who understood immediately.

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