Chapter 3: Holy Maidens of Castle City and the Seedrians

Start from the beginning

Yeah I got my hands full with the chaos alright but they're still like children. And speaking of children junior has been rest for quite sometime

 And speaking of children junior has been rest for quite sometime

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I pick him up and he starts pulling my nose.

I pick him up and he starts pulling my nose

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Ring Ring

I hear my phone ringing I put down junior and answer it.

Honey:hey Hiro!

On my video chat on the other end was none other than my childhood friend Honey the Cat

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On my video chat on the other end was none other than my childhood friend Honey the Cat.

Me:Yo Honey need something.

Honey:Yeah I got a message from Maria she wants to see you. It's been awhile now since you've last seen her right.

Me:Yeah since middle school I haven't seen her since I entered Union I lost all contact with her. So where does she live now?

Honey:She lives in a place called Castle City. I'll send you the location.

Me:Alright thanks Honey I'll go visit her right away.

I hang up my phone and teleport to Vale in Union from there I make my way to Castle City. But first I needed to get through this forest it was kinda weird I felt like I was being watched I tore down some Vines in my way but the I heard a scream. Making my way to the source of the screaming I saw a girl with blue hair no it doesn't look like hair it looks like leaves.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2023 ⏰

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