The Cat Wearing a Yellow Scarf

Start from the beginning

"Am I dreaming? How can you talk?" asked Clara.

"That is a good question. No, you are not dreaming," said the cat. "My name is Gelberschal. What's your name, little girl?"

Clara looked at the cat with curiosity. She was amazed at how well the cat spoke. Finally, the cat hopped off Clara's lap and walked over to look at her face-to-face.

"I'm Clara. I live nearby, and I am late to return. I really must get going," said Clara as she stood up. She looked around and could not remember from which way she came. "I think I may be lost."

"No worries, Clara. I have lived here for a very long time. I can help you find your way home," said Gelberschal as she rubbed against her leg.

"Oh, I would love that so much. Can you help me?" asked Clara.

"Of course, it has been long since I have had company. Now, where do you live?" asked Gelberschal.

"I live in between the village and the forest. It is a brick house near the entrance to the forest," said Clara excitedly.

"I think I know that place. Come now, follow me," shouted Gelberschal as she raced into the forest. Clara ran as fast as she could to keep up with the cat. She made sure to keep the bright yellow scarf in her sight at all times.

Clara continued to run until she could no longer see the cat in the distance. Then, she stopped and thought she had lost Gelberschal.

"Oh no! I am lost again! This is a terrible feeling! I can't even see Gelberschal anymore. This is a horrible nightmare. But it is not a nightmare. I am in the forest. I am really lost! Oh, this is awful. How could this have happened? I am going to die here in the forest," cried Clara as she stopped in her tracks and desperately looked around for the yellow scarf in the distance.

But just then, she heard a rustling of bushes behind her. She turned around and found Gelberschal sitting behind her near the entrance to the forest. She was almost home.

"This is it. This is near my home. Oh, thank you so much, Gelberschal. How can I ever repay you?" exclaimed Clara.

"You are very welcome, Clara. I was only hoping that perhaps I could stay with you tonight.  I'm afraid it is getting late, and I don't want to be walking around the forest at night," said Gelberschal looking up at Clara with kind eyes.

"Of course, Gelberschal. But I will have to let you in through the window at night. My mother does not like animals in the house. Is that ok?" asked Clara as they neared the fence of her yard.

"That would be wonderful. I will come to your window. But how will I know which window is yours, Clara?" asked Gelberschal. She had a look of concentration on her face for a few seconds then her face lit up. "I know. I will give you my scarf. And at night, you can put it on and stand in front of the window. Then I will be able to see you from outside and can come to your window."

"That is a great idea, Gelberschal?" said Clara. "Thank you for helping me home. I will see you tonight after sunset.

"Ok, Clara. I will be waiting nearby. Thank you," said Gelberschal as she walked back into the forest entrance.

Clara ran back inside and could get into bed again moments before her mother arrived from the market. Finally, her mother brought Clara some sweets to lift her spirits. Clara was so happy to be back home. She spent the rest of the afternoon in bed, looking at the yellow scarf and admiring its beauty. It was so soft and silky. And it was always warm as if it was making its heat. And the bright yellow color of the scarf made it look like a glowing fire. Clara was becoming excited at the thought of wearing it that evening.

Soon after the sunset, it was time to wear the yellow scarf for Gelberschal. Clara made sure her bedroom door was closed then she opened the curtains. She grabbed the yellow scarf and gently patted it with her hand to feel its soft texture. Clara slowly wrapped the scarf loosely around her neck and closed her eyes as she felt its warmth.

But then something strange began to happen. The yellow scarf began to glow brightly and became warmer. It grew brighter and brighter until it filled the whole room with light. Clara did not understand what was happening. She felt warm and dizzy. She lost her balance and fell to the floor. Clara caught herself with her arms. And as she was on the floor on her hands and knees, Clara realized she was glowing brightly.

She looked up toward the window and could see Gelberschal sitting at the window sill looking down at her.

"What is happening to me, Gelberschal?" asked Clara.

"You are getting what you want, and so am I," said Gelberschal as she jumped down from the window sill and stood next to Clara.

"What? I don't understand," said Clara. But then, she noticed that her warming body was now growing orange fur!

"You want to wander and see the world, don't you? Well, I want to find a home. I was once like you until I was given that yellow scarf. Since that day, I have wandered in the woods as a cat. But, after so many years, I want to be human again. I want a normal life. I want a home!" said Gelberschal as she began to grow taller and taller.

Clara was confused at what Gelberschal was telling her. Her body was glowing so brightly that she had to look away from it. But as she looked away, she realized that her glowing body was no longer human but had become an orange furry cat wearing a yellow scarf. And Gelberschal now had a human body.

"But how, Gelberschal? How did you become human again?" asked Clara.

"I found a way to become human again, and I am so sorry. It is you," said Gelberschal.

Clara felt as if the room began spinning, and everything suddenly went dark.

The following day, Clara was awakened by the smell of a nice, warm cup of hot chocolate and fresh biscuits. She smiled. Her mother had not let her go to the market yesterday and made hot chocolate and biscuits for breakfast. Clara looked down at her belly and saw the fur on her stomach. It was orange! She looked around and saw she was under her own bed. But someone was sleeping in her bed. Then she remembered that Gelberschal had become human last night.

"Have we switched bodies?" thought Clara, and she jumped on the bed mattress to get a better look at who was sleeping in her bed. She reached with her paw to pull away the blanket from the stranger's face. And what she saw shocked her! She saw her own face. It was her body sleeping in her bed. Her suspicions were correct; she and Gelberschal had switched bodies last night. Clara was now an orange cat.

Just then, the bedroom door opened. Clara turned to look and saw her mother standing at the doorway. Her mother screamed and grabbed the broom.

"Out, you filthy animal! Get out!" said Clara's mother. Just then, the girl sleeping in her bed woke up.

"What is it, mother?" said the girl as she jumped out of bed.

"Clara, there is a dirty cat in the house, and it's wearing a scarf. Open the front door and help me get it out of here," said Clara's mother while she was still chasing the cat around the room.

"It is me, mother! I'm the cat!" screamed Clara as she evaded her mother, chasing her with a broom. Just then, she felt arms wrap around her. She had been caught by the girl. Clara knew that it was Gelberschal in her body. Gelberschal had just caught her.

"She can't hear you, dear," whispered Gelberschal. "All she hears is meows. Only children can understand your voice. You need to find someone to wear the scarf if you want to be human again. Until then, you will have to find somewhere else to live."

Gelberschal opened the front door and threw Clara out into the tall grass. Clara was frightened and startled. She ran as fast as she could into the forest. She was alone now and had only the yellow scarf for comfort.