Four - Scarlett

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Brooke and I just changed into a different pair of jeans and T-shirts.

She had a baby blue shirt on and mine was a dark green.

"I really don't wanna do this." I tell her.

"Well too bad, bitch. You need to have a little bit of fun."

"Drinking, smoking, guys.. that doesn't sound fun."

She groans as she tilts her head back. "Your idea of fun is reading and watching movies all day."

"That is fun!"

I roll my eyes and continue to drive. I park near Ben's house and we get out.

It's cold and I'm not wearing a coat, just a small jacket. We walk as fast as possible to get inside.

Music is blasting and I feel out of place here. Parties suck. Lilly comes up to us with a smile.

"Hey!" She shouts over the music.

She's wearing a green dress that goes down to her lower thigh. She looks beautiful.

We walk over to a couch and sit down.

I look over when I see someone that looks like Axel. He wouldn't be at a party though, right? He's introverted and doesn't talk to people.

Maybe he's trying something new.

But he looks angry as he walks away.

I ignore it and look back ahead, completely ignoring Brooke's and Lilly's conversation, and see Miles.

I stand up and follow him through the house. He does see me yet.

I lose him through a crowd and look around.

After a minute of looking around I see his back. I start to walk towards him before I realized there's a girl with him.

He's dancing with her.

It's Natasha.

Natasha is in his friend group but I thought she was dating Ben.

Tears prick at my eyes as I see him laugh by something she said.

But the tears start to fall when I see them kiss.

My fists curl and I turn around, speed walking away. I go back to the couch that Lilly and Brooke were sitting on. Lilly's not there anymore.

Tears are still streaming down my face and Brooklyn is looking at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"I wanna leave." I tell her. "I wanna go home."

She stands up. "What happened."

"I don't wanna talk about it. I just want to leave. Please."

She nods and we walk out, I didn't even say bye to Lilly.

"Let me drive." Brooke says.

My vision is blocked by my tears so I hand her the keys. I get in the passenger side and she starts the car.

I turn on the heat and she starts driving.

The storms gotten worse, and it's hard to see. But I trust Brooke with my life, she's a careful driver.

About two minutes away from the house I noticed something in the road.

"Stop for a minute." I tell Brooke.

She seems confused but stopped anyway.

It could be and animal or something, but I can't tell from far away because of the storm. There was snow covering it.

I walk over to it and kneel down.

Holy shit.

It's a person.

I wipe the snow off their face and more tears fill my eyes.


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