Three - Scarlett

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Me and Brooke walk out of our lesson together and walk to out next period. I feel someone run up behind me and put and arm over my shoulder.

I look up and see Miles. I smile at him.

"Hey." He says.


"Are you going to the party that Ben is throwing tonight?" He asks me.

"Uh, probably not."

Parties were never really my thing. I focused on my grades and stuff like that. It's not that I don't like parties, I just don't like people.

He sighs.

"Fine. You never go." He says.

"I'm sorry, I have to get a lot of science homework to get done."

"I keep forgetting you have advanced science." He says, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Ok, well you have history right now. So go."

He plants a kiss on my cheek and goes to history.

I look down, cheeks reddened and a smile on my face.

"You know," Brooke starts. "maybe me and Ty were wrong about him. He seems to genuinely like you."

"I told you."

• • •

"Please, Scar!" Brooke begged me as we walked towards the entrance of school.

She's been begging me all day to go to the party with her tonight.

"Brooke," I say calmly. "you know how much homework I have."

"Ok, but you'll have all weekend to do it." She says.

I push the door open and I was immediately greeted by the cold air. As I breathed it went down into my lungs.

Brooke and I agreed to go to a restaurant down the road where Tyler worked some days for extra cash. It was a diner and they actually had pretty good food.

"I'll think about it." I say annoyed.

"Thank you!"

We walk out to my car quickly and as soon as we get in I turn the heat up high.

I take my coat off and throw it in the back seat. And Brooke does the same.

"What should we wear?" She asks.

"I haven't even said I was going yet."

"I'm obviously gonna force you, so. What do we wear?"

"I'm going in jeans or something."

"You're so boring, Scarlett. Come on, you're in your senior year. Have fun."

"This is the first party this year," I tell her. "I'm sure there's gonna be more."

She groans and leans back into the seat.

I leave the school and head to the little restaurant.

"I invited Lilly since we haven't seen her in a bit."

Lilly was my cousin. She had the most beautiful green eyes and her hair is dyed black. She didn't like her natural color. I'm glad she dyed it though. She looks better with black hair.

Brooklyn gasps and sits up.

"I've missed her so much! I haven't seen her since Christmas."

"That's was last month, Brooke." I tell her.


I shrug as I pull into the parking lot. I park in a spot and grab my and Brooklyn's coat out of the back. I hand it to her and put mine on.

We grab our phones and get out. We walk fast because it's literally freezing out here.

Once we got inside we looked around and saw Lilly at a booth. Me and Brooke smiled and walked over to her.

Once she looked up from her phone she smiled.

"Scar, Brooke!" She says, obviously happy.

She hugs us both at once and I immediately felt warmer.

"I've missed you two so much."

"We've missed you too." I say, tightening my grip.

We pull away and me and Brooke sit in the seat across from her. We take our coats off and set our phones down on the table.

"So, how's school?" She asked.

She's out of school now. She works at a store in a town not too far away from Oak Hill. It's only about a fifteen minute drive.

"It's good." Brooke says.

"I saw that meme going around."

"Did you repost it?" I ask.

"Yeah. I said being ran over."

"I said drowning." Brooke says.

"I'm not gonna repost it."

Tyler comes over with some milkshakes and sets them down.

"I didn't know you worked today?" I ask him.

"Dad is making me." He says annoyed and walks away.

I smile and shake my head.

"How's you and your little boyfriend?" Lilly asks with that look.

I sigh and lean back.  "Don't look at me like that."

It just makes her grin grow wider.

"Really good, actually." I say.

"Well that's good. Now," She says turning to Brooklyn. "how's your boy situation?"

"I don't have one. All the boys at our school suck. They all have their standards way to high."

I laugh as bit. She's not wrong though. The only good guy I've came across is Miles. Tyler is pretty gay and Axel doesn't talk. Those are the only guys I actually acknowledge.

"We're going to a party tonight." Brooke says. "You should come."

"I was planning on it." Lilly says.

Tyler comes over with two baskets of fries and sets them down.

"Can I have a drink of that?" He asks, pointing to my milkshake.

"Aren't you at work?" I say smirking. It's so fun to bother him.

"Please? I'm like dying."

"Sure." I say handing to him.

He takes way more than what he said he would and then runs a way after setting it back on the table.

"He seems nice." Lilly says. "I don't think I saw him last year."

"He's cool." Brooke says. "But he won't make the first move on this guy no matter how much we push him."

"He gay?"

"Bi." I say.

She nods before taking a fry and eating it.

• • •

"Bye Scar, Brooke." Lilly says before we leave.

We get into my car and go to my house.

"I have nothing to wear." Brooklyn says. "Can I borrow some of your clothes?"

"You've never cared before. You still have like four of my jeans and six of my shirts. And I can't even cound how many sweatshirts you've taken."

She shrugs and I continue to drive.

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