Day 93

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Author's Note: Hey, guys! In a very unfortunate turn of events, I have broken my foot. It's been a rather hectic time. However! We have a very exciting chapter ahead of us, and I finally finished it, so...

Day 93:

The overhead lights burn into your eyes. You stare up at them in a daze. You don't feel hungry anymore. The pain has fallen to a dull ache that seeps into your bones.

The curtain of the bathroom area pulls back, and Tyler lurches inside, shaking. "Y/N," he says, panic shuddering through his voice. He retches forward, like he's going to throw up, muscles shuddering uncontrollably. "Get into the shower, close the curtain, and don't get out until I come get you. Okay? I'm... I'm holding it off. Don't come out. I won't be thinking straight. It's not me. Don't let me know you're there. Don't let me get anywhere near you, okay?"

You freeze, glancing behind the shower curtain.

"Okay, Y/N?" he repeats, voice shuddering with his chest. "Get out of here. Go."

He pulls back the curtain and tears back into the main room, and in a couple seconds, a bone-chilling scream- inhuman rage mixed with Tyler's cry of pain- rips through your ears. You scramble back, crawling into the shower, pulling the curtain closed as quietly as you dare, shuddering and squeezing your eyes shut.

The Hyde is out there, only separated from you by two, thin curtains.

You hear the sound of skin ripping.

Then nothing. Just the sound of your breath.

In. Out. In. Out.

A low growl rumbles through the enclosure, followed by the crunching of sharp, deadly claws on concrete.

You hear yourself breathing and shove a hand over your mouth, praying it doesn't come any closer.

For a moment, all is silent.

Then a shriek rips through the air, and the ground shakes violently underneath you, sending you toppling to the side. You grip the concrete as quietly as you can, breathing into your hand in gasps, praying he doesn't hear-

The snarling growl tumbles through the air again, along with the screeech of sharp claws on concrete. There's a scream as the monster hurls itself against the wall, and the ground sends you tumbling again, the world flashing as you-

Sharp pain starbursts in your side as it knocks against the concrete, and before you can think about what you're doing, you cry out.

You clap a hand over your mouth, but it's too late.

The shaking stops. The sounds stop.

There's a rake of the monster's steel-ripping claws against the concrete.

You shudder against the back wall, huddling against the concrete wall. You want to close your eyes. You can't close your eyes.

You shudder in the silence as the growls grow closer.



The metal of the bathroom curtain hinges shriek as the monster tears them back with a roar, and your heart stops, blood rushing into your eyes until all you see are spots. The monster is in front of you, separated by the pale blue shower curtain.

It howls, a deafening sound that blasts through your ears, then rushes back away, crumpling the shower curtain and shaking the ground so you all but fall forward again.

You gasp for breath against your hand as the howling starts up again.

It continues for hours, the slamming, the growling, the desperate gripping the wall, until it stops.

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