Chapter 24 - The Repeat

Start from the beginning

      (Y/N)'s eyes widened which the Capturer took note of. "Or not. Can't know for sure though, hm?"

"I swear, I'm not!" (Y/N) pleaded. "Just let me go, please!"

"Oh, we will. As long as you cooperate unlike that guy." The Capturer nodded to the cell next to (Y/N) and she turned to see that same straggler demon she controlled unconscious on the floor with a collar around its neck. (Y/N) gasped and finally realized where she was.

     In a cell. She was trapped.

     Her hand moved to her shoulder and felt bandages where the knife once was. There were even bandages on her head and she didn't feel so concussed anymore.

      They patched her up. That doesn't mean they wouldn't still kill her.

"So tell me." The Capturer started, scooting closer to the glass while the demon watched her carefully. "Why were you around those Elitists? Were they after you? Is that why you were so beat up and bloody when we found you?"

     Yama told her to not say anything to anyone and she was sure he meant humans too.

     The Capturer noticed the demon's silence. "Not talking?"

     If she lied, who knows what they'll do to her. But if she told the truth, again, who knows what they'll do to her. Yama said the Zones knew about Zankoku and knew that he was dead. If they knew about her situation-

      The Capturer snapped her fingers to get the demon focused back on her. "Look I'm trying to help you out. Either speak and be honest or end up like the demon next to you. It's your choice."

      Either way it was looking like she was dead no matter what. They'll see that she has Zankoku's abilities and kill her on the spot! He was a monster, a tyrant. They wouldn't allow someone connected to him to roam free.

      (Y/N)'s fear was clearly showing. She was paralyzed by it. The Capturer noticed her tears and heavy breathing at the threat of getting killed, at this rate she wasn't going to say anything. She doesn't trust them.

      The Capturer sighed and took a quick glance back before changing her sitting position to sit on her legs.

      (Y/N) watched her reach up to grab the sunglasses and before she knew it, her vision grew fuzzy as her eyes glazed over and her body grew still.

      Everything faded to black and felt weightless until light began to shine.

     A great blue sky, clouds, and the sun appeared above while grass, dirt, and mud covered the ground below. (Y/N)'s vision cleared and soon she was standing somewhere familiar. Somewhere she hasn't been in so long.

     Her home.

     She whipped around when she heard a cow moo and froze when it was her favorite dairy cow. Eating in the feeding trough and waving its tail contently.

     Tears pricked her eyes as chickens ran around her feet and towards the coops. She can see her fellow farmers working, the familiar sound of the conversations they had that she missed so much.

     She stumbled as a relieved smile broke across her face. Her body moved to go greet her fellow farmers, wanting to hug them tightly and cry her pain away, thinking everything that had happened was just a dream. She was awake now, her community wasn't burned to the ground, she wasn't a demon and the Elitists weren't after her.

     She was home. She was finally home.

     But then a figure walked past her that made the girl freeze. A figure she knew all too well.

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