Chapter 6: Confused and Conflicted

Start from the beginning

Anthony abruptly stood from his chair. Grabbing a few books to put them back on the shelves. "Whatever you are referring to I have absolutely no time for. If you could see yourself out I have piles of work to get through." Anthony walked briskly to the shelves starting to place the books back but Benedict was in the mood to play games with his brother, it was only made better by the fact that Anthony was so uncomfortable with the topic of conversation. "I have awaited since long before the dinner to bring it up to you. 

Don't you find it a bit strange that you are so close when only a few months ago you could not stand to be around one another?" Anthony continued to busy himself since he knew Benedict would not stop now. "I only wonder if maybe you had grown to like her. I only wondered if all that hate that you once held for one another has turned into something like love perhaps?" Anthony turned to Benedict looking at him with such malice in his eyes. "We are only friends." 

His voice sounded dangerous as if he were ready to pounce but Benedict was not ready to throw in the towel so soon. "Why do you deny what is so blatantly obvious." "Why do you push on matters that do not concern you!" Anthony roared. "I do not see why you are so adamant about this idea that is not anything that you deem it to be especially where it does not concern you! Angel has taken it upon herself to help me. As you may have forgotten our father passed Benedict. It is only through her kindness that I have been able to stay steady through these past months, and with her father's help I have been able to carry out the financial burdens that come with this title." 

Benedict's lips were pulled back as his face contorted to one of anger. His forehead creased in frustration and his nose flared. He felt his body's physical reaction to his words, his blood felt as though it was pumping fire and his mind flared with a rage he had not felt before. "Of course, I remember that our father passed away Anthony." Benedict was never one to react in anger.

He was a gentle soul and an artist to his very core and he had taken his father's death hard. Yet he was able to channel that pain and hurt into his paintings and sketches. He had not realized that his brother had been unable to do the same in whatever way would have been best. Angel was the only one that seemed to get through to him. He had seen it at the dinner but he had realized bit by bit that she was the only one that seemed to understand Anthony. What was even more surprising was the fact that Anthony had let her in. 

They had not had any rapport before this and yet like a cool salve, she had helped in the healing of Anthony's heart. His true concern thought was the fact that Anthony had not taken the time to properly mourn and heal. Angel may have been the guiding force in that but Benedict wondered when Anthony would snap.

"Anthony I only wonder if how you feel is out of longing or if it is genuine affection. You and Angel had not been kind to one another since the moment you met on the steps of Aubrey Hall. Now that our father has passed I only wonder what role she plays in your life. She is a kind friend and has been to all of us. Yet she seems to have helped you in a way that we have not experienced. She has practically taken care of you since the moment you decided to dedicate your days to staying in this study. If you are not here then you are with mother. Marcus takes the time to come and check on you and to help when need be but Angel is here all the time. She brings you breakfast in the morning, tea in the afternoon, and dinner in the evening. You are practically married yet it seems that you are completely blind to it. So I will ask you again brother, do you have feelings for Angel?"

Anthony could hear each word that was being said but the realization struck him hard. He had become reliant on Angel. She was part of the reason he got up in the morning. Her lovely cinnamon and vanilla scent would linger in his study once she left. She would carry a tray of food into his study with her long locks swishing around her waist since she refused to tame down her curls. 

With All My Love, Angel _ Anthony BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now