Tony stark

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You were on a mission together and you were helping Tony get information he needed, keeping agents away from him. Tony didn't realise quite what happened until he heard you shout and looked over seeing some hydra agent grabbing you and pulling you away. He tried to get to you but before he could a shutter fell down infront of him and by the time he was able to get outside, he couldn't find any clues. He immediately got to the compound and tried to get the team to help. Tony tried his hardest to find you and didn't rest until he found where you were. The moment they got a location he immediately headed out with the team getting to you. He went inside and tried to find you as the team kept everyone away from him as he looked for you. The moment he did he saw you bruised and knelt down to you)

Tony: hey hey I'm here
You: Tony...
Tony: we're getting you out of here don't worry
You: it's dangerous
Tony: I know that's why we're leaving

(He helped you up and got you out of the facility. The team kept you safe as you moved to the jet before regrouping and going back home)

Tony: are you sure you're okay?
You: I-I'll be fine
Tony: are you sure I can't do anything
You: relax Tony, i will be fine
Tony: alright alright, let me help you inside at least, you need to relax and get a medical check
You: what did I just tell you
Tony: this is all I'm asking okay, please
You: fine let's just get it done with

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