1.The Kingdoms Shut in Assistant

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As Custard Cookie III's right hand cookie, you devoted much of your time to the kingdom. Since you were a big chunk of the kingdoms community, you hid yourself away and supported other cookies in battle by activating the relics.

Yet you stayed in your room helping cookies from the shadows. In this kingdom you've founded with Gingerbrave, Strawberry Cookie, Wizard Cookie, Custard III Cookie and Chilli Pepper Cookie.

Your kingdom was building back slowly but steadily... With an abundance of sugar gnomes.

Now a new cookie was joining your kingdom...

"Affo-Affogato Cookie?! " Y/n said in surprise. "Oh and who might you be? " Affogato cookie cooed. "Uh- I-I'm Y/N! the assistant to Custard Cookie III! "

"Hmm where are you my darling fellow cookie? "

"Uhh, I'm speaking through this Sugar Gnome I found! It's uh, it's a decorative sugar gnome though! But uh welcome to K/N! (kingdom name) please state your purpose to join us."

"Ohoho no reason, I just wanted to help this beautiful kingdom, I've heard about the amazing landmarks here and just wanted to visit. "

"Hmm let's see, partook in coffee village uh, ok..Hmm okay well documents look valid enough..Welcome to our kingdom Affogato Cookie! you can exit this facility now."

"Well thank you for your time y/n." Affogato smiled at the decorative sugar gnome, waved a little and left gracefully.

I still don't trust him, he seemed too perfect. Y/n thought in her messy room full of jampire tart wrappings and Instant Hot Jelly soup boxes... And her trusty monitor where she checked if cookies should be allowed citizenship to k/n.

"My royyall assistant! " Custard Cookie III knocked. "Come outside we have a visitor wanting to meet you! "

No one had wanted to visit you in so long besides when Custard was getting worried of course. "Oh- okay sir Custard Cookie III! But don't tell me the visitors are in front of my room again... "

"Oh, oh no, no your dearrr king respects your preference to be alone! "
"Oh okay Custard Cookie III sir! " You said woozily as you got out of your cave and stepped outside..With a splitting headache occurring again.

"Don't worry your king will guide you! " Custard then handed you his staff as support because you once fell down the royal vanilla baked stairs from being so woozy.

Custard cookie truly is the best...

"Custard cookie... How looong was I... Inside my rooom. "

"7 weeks straight assistant! "

"Ooh, oookay.. "

You wobbled down the stairs as Custard cookie III was making sure you don't fall off again.

You covered your face as you were an essential part of the kingdom, so you put your black (emo) chocolate cloak hood up more. You went downstairs while looking down. "Why hello there dear cookie of k/n.~"

Speak of the Witches, it was ducking Affogato.

Affogato Cookie x Female CRK Assistant Reader )(TEMPORARILY ON HOLD) Where stories live. Discover now