Superboy picks up something off about one of the alien ships

Superboy: This one get lost?

He points to one blip in the far north, deep in the artic, Sasuke knows where that is

Sasuke: Thats Superman Fortress of Solitude

Superboy: "Superman has a fortress of solitude". Superboy says obviously shocked and suprised

Sasuke: Yeah its where me and him used to train together. Its power source must have attracted the aliens attention.

Robin: At least enough to send a scount ship to investigate..

Superboy: Must be some fortress

Superboy says as he turns away and M'gann attempts to comfort him

Sasuke: Not really. Its too cold out there

Superboy smiles at Sasuke comment, and so does M'gann as she could tell that sasuke was trying to make superboy feel less upset.

Aqualad: Regardless we must go and investigate

Wally: Yeah. break it down. Build more. Hit those ugly aliens with their own mojo

Artemis quickly elbows wally

Artemis: Martian and Kryptonin in the house

Wally: Yh, heh, not that all aliens are automatically ugly.

Sasuke(sigh):Come on.

Artic ocean

Sasuke wears a warm attire to attend to blend in with the artic background. the group also Dawn white attire to blend in. They travel to the heavy arctic to see one of the ships residing very calmly. Miss Martian moves in and tears off a piece of the ship.

Miss Martian: "Communications disabled. propulsion disabled."

Artemis fires an arrow at its vision emitter, sealing it up, it fires blindly.

Artemis: "And ET's are sealed inside."

The others rush in, Superboy and Sasuke grab the cannon, holding it as Robin analyzes it's content

Robin: "Identifying weapon's structural stress points and links to the ship. Here, here and here."

Sasuke forms a large ice blade construct, he slashed at those three points with precision.
The ship loses its cannon begins to loosen. A charge of the blast whirs up. And fires, before Superboy can be vaporized, Wolf takes the hits and disappears.

Miss Martian: Wolf

Robin: "There was no indication of feedback. I'm sorry."

Sasuke: Conner...

Superboy: Can't do anything for him now.

Superboy says, focusing on the mission, he tears off the cannon and leaps to the Bioship. Miss Martian begins to combine the two pieces of machinery together.

 Miss Martian begins to combine the two pieces of machinery together

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