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Waking up has always been his number one challenge,like why so early when he can curl up on his bed and just lay there without a care. Apparently today isn't those days so he willed himself up,took a bath,got dressed,he didnt bother cooking breakfast to avoid scolding for being late from the "Alpha" and also he's a lazy bum so.....

When he arrived at their studio surprisingly Paulo wasn't there yet just Stell and a bunch of bread and coffee spread out the table.

Stell:(👋)Hey~your early today?Had breakfast yet?

Ken:Rather be early than get scolded,for the nth time and no haven't eaten yet(he says as he grabs a cup of coffee and pours an godly amount of sugar).

Stell:I like sweets,but man lay of with the sugar you'll get diabetes.

Ken:Next time best pal(he shrugs while Stell playfully rolls his eyes).

Both of them turn their head at the newcomer to see Justin grinning.

Justin:Hi!... Where's Paulo?(looking around)

Stell:His coming he's stuck in traffic.... Breakfast?(he offers Justin a plate ).

Justin:No thanks already ate.What about Josh?

Stell:I dont know but he's probably on his way

Ken:Wake me up when they arrive I'mma savor a few more minutes of sleep.(he declares loudly as he turns his back on the couch ignoring the two)

As Ken lets sleep take him away to dream land the two shook their heads at the sleeping idiot.

Justin: Didn't he just drink coffee?

Stell:Let him be(taking a bite of his cinnamon bun)


[Ken wake up keeeennnn KEN!,he hears as he's being shaken awake]

Ken: I'm awake geez(rubbing his eyes as he lets out a yawn)

Stell:Well come on up now their here already.


Stell leaves him and goes in their conference room

As he enters he notices one thing Josh isn't there yet but their manager is with Mr.Kim?Shit it is serious if he's here that means....what exactly?I dont feel good about this.

Ken:Hi?...umm Where's Josh?

Mr.Kim:Have a seat I have an important announcement(ignoring Ken's question)

Paulo:But Sir Josh isnt here yet.

Manager: It's okay he requested we discuss this information to you.

At that Ken's brows knit in confusion but he stays silent nows not the time to have an outburst he tells himself.

Paulo:So this is about Josh?(dumbfounded)

Paulo:Josh and I haven't talked about anything is this regarding our hiatus?

Mr.Kim:Yes and No

Paulo:Then what is this about?(his patience running out)

Ken:Can you just cut to the chase what's so important?

Manager:Okay.... This is regarding your status as a group.

Stell:And???(nervously ask)

Justin:Are we getting disbanded?(he asks almost a whisper)


Relief flooded the four but—

Manager:One of you has to leave.



Tension in the room was thick as all four boys glare holes at their managers face.

Ken:No one leaves this group and you cant make us!

Mr.Kim:Oh misunderstood Josh already declared his retirement.

Justin:Josh? Retirement!?Is it because he's old?!

Stell:Josh wouldnt!

Ken:Thats a lie!


At the Alphas word they settle down.
Ken grumbles but follows anyway....

Paulo:Talk(looking at their employer and manager)

Manager:Josh was the one who requested resignation and we agreed.(he says much to the boys disbelief)

Mr.Kim:Take a look at the possibility he's absence would give you publicity and the announcement of his departure would be buzzing for weeks even months.

Paulo:Are you underestimating our capabilities as group just cause were on hiatus?(looking defiant offended even)

Mr.Kim:No that is not what I meant.

Manager:Guys look Josh has brought you a lot of controversy and issues—

Ken:So what I have a lot of controversy why not fire me too!

Manager:We were planning to let Josh go but he beat us to it wanting to leave and we agreed making our jobs easier.

Mr.Kim:Starting tomorrow all four of you will make a public appearance like hang out or something then—

Paulo:No! Where's Josh we wish to speak to him!

Stell: His phone cant be reached(panicked as he desperately dials Josh phone number)

Justin:I cant call Tita Aldrene either!

Ken stood up snatching Stell's phone.

Ken:Come on pick up!

Paulo:Tell us now!(sounding defeated)

Mr.Kim:Settle down!

Manager:Guys come on there is nothing you could do it was his decision.

Justin:His decision?But you guys were planning about this right?Why?


Manager:According to the numbe—

Ken:Your really gonna base this on numbers?!This is ridiculou—

Manager:Let me finish!Josh is the least people like nor care about and his reviews are just as bad such as tone deaf,arrogant,free loader and his just an extra weight to the group you guys are much more capable with or without him.

Stell:He is not an extra weight,he worked harder than anyone I know and his an amazing vocalist.

Justin:His prideful not arrogant but his humble,he never stepped on anyone sure he could get cocky but he means well...

Paulo: He's no!free loader either nor useless he's the whole foundation of this group.

Ken:Half of us wouldn't be here if it weren't for him...I wouldnt be HERE!


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