Chapter Two: Damian's arrival

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Damien's view

I woke up and was actually exited about something, I was gonna join school and make my father lose his shit. I climbed outa bed,brushed my teeth and brushed my hair. My father was downstairs with Sadam, his sorta boyfriend/husband

"Good morning Damien, how are you son"

he said while flipping pancakes for me and Sadam

"I'm fine dad" I sat down and looked across the table, HE was here.
Sadam looked at me like he was up to something, but I just brushed it off since he didn't care for me. Only my father and his body.

"Ok well eat your breakfast, I thought we could have some father son time"

I scoffed and just rolled my eyes while eating my breakfast. Sadam saw I was up to something but didn't say anything.

"Well I have some bad news dad, I'm going to school today"
I said while stuffing my mouth with scrambled eggs, when he heard me say that he looked at me weirdly, and not the good kind

"That's great Damien! Just tell me when to send the hell hounds to pick you up"

I choked on my eggs in shock at what he said, I never expected him to actually care or something about that kinda stuff, Sadam laughed at me choking on my eggs.

"O-ok d-dad"
I say with my voice quaking from what he said but I finished my breakfast and started heading to school

Pip's view

I woke up and started my morning routine by brushing my teeth and heading downstairs to make some tea and crumpets, my parents are usually gone before I wake up because they are always so busy.

I do my usual walk to the bus stop but they were all talking about something weird

"Good morning gentlemen, say what's the weird thing your all talking about?"

Cartman shoved a handful of cheesy poofs in his mouth,turned to me and said "Some weird emo kid is going to our school"

Kenny wasn't talking because he was carrying butters and didn't want to wake him, I gave him a friendly thumbs up and he gave one back while holding butters. He was one of the nice guys like Stan and Kyle

The bus comes and we all get on and starts heading to school, I wonder what "weird" kid they are talking about

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